Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Okay, so I am finally posting some pictures. I hope you all enjoy, and I hope you had a very merry Christmas!

A few Cole "Scrooges" clowning around;)

Here are some pics from the Bellflower Christmas play as promised. The leads, my dad and sister, and the angels;)

The Musicians---Janessa on violin, Jane on cello, me on flute, and Joanna on violin.

The angels...again

Here are some pictures of a friend's two adorable little girls. She was once my ballet teacher...Last time I saw them, the oldest girl was just a tiny baby. Now, there are two! They are soooo cute;)

Thursday, December 22, 2005

At home on the prairie

Yup, I'm home on the Illinois prairie for Christmas this year. I left Virginia early last Saturday morning, and drove all day...alone with nothing but my car and music to keep me company..sniff. Okay, so it really wasn't that bad. No bad roads like last year, and I managed to get here in 10 and a half hours. (It would have been 10 if I hadn't decided to stop at the very busy Champaign walmart.) I know, I have a bit of a bad lead foot going on.

It's been fun and busy here. The Sunday after I arrived we were gone all day with various services and the like. Monday, and Tuesday I don't remember...oh yes I do sort of. Monday night I took all of "my girls" to see Pride and Prejudice. It was fun. My poor brother decided to go with us. He did have the option to go see Narnia, but I think he wanted to humor me. Funny, he laughed louder than anyone in the theater.

Wednesday I was given my flute parts for the songs we were doing that night at a rehersal for the Bellflower community service. I think the flute parts came out okay. I fudged and slurred my way through some of the difficult passages.
I'm hoping to take some pictures of the program and post here to give you all a taste of it. The Bellflower Community Christmas service is really a taste of the grandness of small town life. This program has been going on for 80 some years I think. Every year on Christmas Eve the town puts on a play about Christmas. It's been so fun to go each year and see the kids I once knew as kids, starting families, school, etc. My family always goes, and then we come home and eat sweets, and watch It's a Wonderful Life. Gotta love traditions.
This year we are doing just about all of the music for the program. Two sisters on Violin, one on Cello, mom on piano and me on flute. It's really pretty even if I do say so myself.

Oh, and my lands is it ever cold!! Last night when we got back it was 9 degrees!

Today, I have cooked and cooked some more. Actually it's been a lot of baking, too. It's been a fun, busy day to say the least.

Anyhow, there's an update on my life.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.


Saturday, December 10, 2005

You know you're in VA "blizzard" when

1. City drivers who normally cruise through town at 50mph or so, slow to a crawl when the first flakes begin to fall. (No accumulation on the roads whatsoever folks.)

2. The grocery store is swarming with panicked people who seem drawn to the bread, milk, and eggs.

3. The conversations in the grocery store consist of comments like:
"Wow, it sure is going to be a bad one." "Be careful out there." (Forcast was 3 to 5 inches of snow.)

4. Walking into my gym with some flakes on my coat causes the employees there to pump their fists in delight with the news that snow was falling.

5. Observing neighbors "dig out" their cars will bring amusing memories to me for quite a long time.

6. Teachers at a school are planning not to come in the day after this "blizzard".

7. Those same teachers are surprised the next day when school is not canceled, or even delayed.

8. It is so warm the day after the "blizzard" that one can sled without a coat, hat or gloves.

9. My chiropractor even admits that she is afraid to drive. Not because of the snow mind you, but because of the inability of city folks to drive well in it.

Sorry to poke fun, but I have just been so amused to observe the people here after the two "blizzards" we've had this last week. I just can't bring myself to call them real blizzards. To me, 3 to 5 inches is just a spit of snow. Try piles so high you can walk on top of the fence posts in the pasture at my home in Illinois.

Okay, snow aside, I've had a great week. It's been extremely busy, but fun. Today I spent the afternoon baking. I even managed to catch and partially burn and ruin one of Jeantte's towels. I was using it to cover some bread that was rising on the stove, and it got into the flame one of the burners. I tried blowing on it to try to get it out, but that only made it worse. So, then I started panicking because the fire kept growing, and I couldn't get it out. I finally realized that the sink was right behind me, and doused it. Needless to say the towel is now in the trash with a big black hole in it. I don't think I've ever burned a towel before;) Oh well.

I went to the HSLDA Christmas banquet last night with my friend who needed a "date" because her husband is on his way to Iraq. Anyhow, I bought this new top to wear. It was a sparkly little guy. So sparkly in fact that it's now in the trash. Yeah, so the glitter that they used on the shirt was not attached well. It was so bad that everytime I stood up I was raining the offending stuff. I came home and my entire black skirt was covered. I got out a bag at midnight last night and started shaking the loose glitter into it. I swear I will be sparkling for years now.
The event was fun. I did have to warn people not to hug me 'cause I would have left them all sparkly too. Ahhh, life is so funny sometimes.

I'm driving home a week from today. I can't wait! Just pray it doesn't snow like last year. My brother and I drove home last year, and I really thought that day might end with us singing with the angels in glory.:) That's another story for another entry though.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 25, 2005

An enchanting snow

Thanksgiving eve is not usually a day I keep tucked away in my special memories, but this year it will be. This year, it was magical.
My week, prior to Thanksgiving, was very busy due to the kids being out of school. I scarce had time to think let alone contemplate the upcoming holiday. Then, in what felt like no time at all, it was Wednesday night, the eve of Thanksgiving. Work was done until Monday--there was turkey to be eaten on the morrow. That night, homesickness began to hit me....hard. I just wished it would have worked for me to go home and be with my brothers, sisters, and especially my dad and my mom.
I walked out into the night, sad about life, wondering about my place in this messed up world and, you know the feeling, generally down about everything. LOL, I'm sitting here thinking about that Michael W Smith song...picturing myself walking through the neighborhood belting out: "looking for a reason, roaming through the night to find my PLACE in this world, my PLACE in this wooorlldd." Sorry, funny mental image for me, maybe not so much for you. But, I digress.
Ahhh, yes, so I walked out to head home, (I had been out and about), and from the sky fell THE most enchanting Thanksgiving eve snow I have ever seen. To be honest, I think it is the first Thanksgiving eve snow I have ever seen, but again I digress, hehe.:) I've been asking God of late to make me aware of of the special things He does for me, "Just for love". That snow was just that. I love the wonders of His creation, and the snow was incredible. It was very gentle, so clean, and such a picture of the purity of my Jesus. It wasn't really that cold out either--it was just beautiful. The homesickness didn't leave, but I was comforted to know that He could see me, and that He wanted to share the sadness with me. God's just good like that.

Thanksgiving Day was fun, too. Jeanette and I stopped by a football game that our church guys were playing, but didn't stay long as it was very cold, and none of the other "cheerleaders" showed up.
We had dinner at the Farris', which was so much fun. We talked, ate, played games, talked some more, ate and played more games.

Now, real quick my "I'm thankful for's":

Mom and Dad--Amazing parents, and friends. Never take parents for granted, they are a gift from God.

My siblings: Jeanette, Jeremy, Janessa, Joseph, Jane Joanna, Judy, Jed and Jeff.
I love you all, and am so thankful for you and all you've been and are to me.

My family and friends-You know who you are, for all you've invested in me.

Most of all for Jesus, who gives life meaning and purpose. Life with Him is not always easy, but I can't imagine life without him.

Blessings to you all this holiday season!


Wednesday, November 9, 2005

of life, kids, city life, and my new "boyfriend"

Hey all,

You all must know by now that I am sorry for not typing at your sooner, so I'll spare you another apology;)

I do have a pretty good excuse though--besides the "I'm busy", one-- I have been sick.
I think in the whole year I worked for HSLDA I took one sick day. But, being around schools, and kids all day everyday, I think I'm going to have to work at keeping myself healthy. But, I have discovered this amazing store called "Whole Foods" where I shop each week. I'm on a diet of sorts, although "healthy, liver friendly eating" might be a better phrase to use. I'm drinking lots of water, and even manage to have some kind of fresh veggie or fruit juice each day.

The kids continue to grow me up. There are days when I want to pull my hair out, and then there are days when I am just so happy and blessed. I think life often feels this way for all of humanity. I am learning to be more assertive, which, if you know me at all, is difficult for me. I have lost my patience, (not Anne Shirley like), but lost it all the same a few times. I thank God that kids are patient. They are terribly honest, and have taught me many things about myself.

The city is still not my pal, but I am learning to deal with it. I was almost hit Monday night by an insane driver. K, not really insane, but almost. I was driving on route 50 to my Hebrew lesson. (50, is a 4 lane.) As I was driving 40 to 45 mph, this person speeds by me on the right, then crosses in front of me to turn left in the turnabout thing. Sadly the little guy didn't get his back end out of my way, and I couldn't slow down fast enough. I managed somehow to swerve into the other lane without hitting the other cars, and continue, heart thudding, on my way. I do think my guardian angel might have gotten squished though.
I was able to see a few stars the other night. I'm going to have to find somewhere to star gaze this winter. The city is just too bright.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the Hebrew language affords many interesting opportunities. Have you ever run into those people in the mall that come out from the middle and say, "Can I ask you a question", or something like it? Well, here in Virginia, many times they are from Israel and they are selling some kind of nail, or skin care thing.
I was at the mall over the weekend and a guy asked me if he could ask me a question. Because I was alone, and really didn't mind, (I assumed he was from Israel by his accent and thought I might practice Hebrew on him), I agreed. He delivered his sales pitch quite well, and then I began telling him about my interest in Israel. Next, I started speaking to him in Hebrew, and he about fell over. He was so shocked that I spoke it. We talked for several minutes. He helped me with Hebrew, and I helped him with English. He told me about his family still in Israel--4 brothers and a sister. He told me that he plays basketball professionally in Israel, and he kept trying to impress me with the amount of money he makes. hehe, money does not impress me buddy;) He didn't know how to say the numbers, so he would say "I make 4 with 3 or 4 zeros after it each month", and so on. He wanted to know how old I was, and then he told me his age making sure that I understood that he is 20 and a HALF. hehe, must have wanted me to be impressed.
He kept telling me that I had pretty eyes. First he said it in English, then he tried it in Hebrew. I know he was just trying to make a sale, and it was fun to watch his attempts. I did cave and buy something, because I am a sucker, and because I like Israeli products. I paid by credit card so he needed my number. He looked at me and said, "you know that your number is really for me? I am going to call and say, 'your boyfriend from the mall is calling you'". I told him he'd better not. Thankfully our relationship was established on friendly banter, and he took my rebuff very well.

Anyhow, life is very interesting. I'm thrilled to have Jeanette close, although we haven't seen each other all week;) Hopfully we'll see each other over the weekend.

Well, stay warm, and I'll try and be in touch real soon.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Life goes on....

I promise to make this short 'cause I do know that I talk about baseball a lot.

The Cards lost. I am sad. Houston had a great pitcher. The Card's pitchers were bad last night. Houston deserved the win. I am not bitter towards the umpire that made the bad call. I want to see the Cards win a WS before I die. Wahhhhh!

Okay-see, I can move on. I am not bitter;)

So, Jeanette and I went apartment shopping for her yesterday, and I think we found what we set out to find. Her place is just a hop-skip and a jump away from where I live. I am thrilled that she will be close. We looked at one place, but seriously, I didn't like it at all. The apartments were nice, don't get me wrong, but it was entirely too snooty for my taste. Jeanette agreed, so we went elsewhere.

Life continues its busy pace. I'm looking forward to the weekend.

I've gotta run for now.


Monday, October 10, 2005

fall is here...

It's amazing just how fast the weather has cooled here. Last week I was sweating on my jog, and today my chest just about burst from the cool air. The trees are all starting to turn...ack, I just can't believe that it's already October.

So, my life continues to be full to overflowing. God is just so good. He always is good, it's just that sometimes I don't pay attention to all he's doing for me every second of every day. He sends us people just when we need them. Jeanette's been staying with me for the past several weeks, and God has used her so much in my life during this time. I had no idea just how ugly some attitudes were getting in me, and her honesty helped me to see it.

I went to a Bible study/get together yesterday, and we talked about dealing with sin, but also dealing with the thought that leads to the sin. It was really what I needed to hear. I know that sometimes I like to gloss over the bad attitudes and such in my life and not call them by their name: sin. "It was just a bad attitude", I often argue to myself. "That's not so bad." But you know, it is. It is all sin.
In Sunday School once my pastor was talking about the Holy Spirit, and he was talking about how when we are not right with God, and when He has to take time to deal with us, we are quenching the work of the Holy Spirit because He is not free to work through us for others; instead He has to "stop what He is doing" and deal with our sin. Good point isn't it?

Anyhow, I'm just so blessed to have parents, siblings and friends who are bold enough to challenge me. I wish sometimes that I had a more bold personality; but, God can use anyone now can't He?:)

Working as a nanny continues to have it's everyday challenges, but I can say that I am growing through that too. Just in learning to stop finding the negative, and instead look at the opportunities to grow that are before me on a daily basis. The kids really are fun; work, but what good thing in life isn't work?

Okay, well there's my sermon for today. hehe, it's really more for me.



Monday, October 3, 2005

Stop and smell the roses....

Good evening all. I just got off for the day, and I wanted to say hey.

You know when you've had one of those really long days when you wanna cry, laugh, and stomp your feet like a kid all at the same time?? Yeah, it was one of those. Actually, with sick kids in the house, most of last week was long too. I'm sure if any of you all have siblings that have gotten sick you can relate. They are either mellow or crabby....hehe.

But, sickness aside, it hasn't been so bad. I'm just really tired;). Hasn't the weather been fantastic? I'm lovin' it. This weekend I "left the city" to go to church in Purcellville. It was really good for me. It's like Harold Bell Wright said in Shepherd of the Hills: (pardon the paraphrase), "For those who live in the hills, they see what God has made day after day, is it any wonder than that in the city there is so little of God? For those living in the city see only the work of the hands of man, while those in the hills see the work of God's hands."
I hadn't realized how much I missed the "countryside" of Leesburg and Purcellville. It's truly a different world here. So, tomorrow, "stop, and smell the roses", as it were. God made the creation partly for our pleasure.

Oh, yeah so I went to another baseball game. Sad, yeah, I know. I'm trying to "meet new people", so I went to see the Phillies and Nats with the singles group from the church I have been attending out here. The game was sad...the Phillies got 4 runs in the first inning and won, 8 to 4, but it was still fun to be there.

Anyhow, I have to run. I'm going to go workout tonight.

Miss you all, and hope to see you soon:)


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

No, I didn't die...

Hey sorry I've been out of it of late. My life is so very interesting, and I have neglected to share my adventures with you.

Life has gotten much more routine, and with meeting new people and new experiences it has only become more and more busy.

I am now in a Hebrew class at a local Jewish Community Center. I have taken two semesters of Hebrew, but going into this class I felt like I knew next to nothing. The teacher is tough--in the best sense of the word. She likes to speak to us in Hebrew rather than English; altough, she will use English when our eyes start to glaze over;) The Lord has been gracious, and I am catching on.

Learning Hebrew creates all manner of interesting experiences. Take yesterday for example: I went into D.C. with my sister who is interviewing for jobs. I had the day off because Mr Wichterman is home this week. Anyhow, while Jeanetee interviewed, I went and sat in the park located next door to the White House. I amused myself with many things: studying Hebrew, playing with the overly tame wildlife, reading, and observing the many people around me.

As I was studying a police officer came up to me. I didn't feel cause for alarm...I wasn't even feeding the wildlife:)

He asked about the Hebrew I was studying. (I had my book out, and I'll admit, a red headed young person studying Hebrew is rather random.) He was amazed at my interest in the Middle East. His father is from Iraq, (believe you me, I would never have guessed this guy to be his son, with blond hair and all). But, as he pointed out, he has a middle eastern nose--unlike my stubby, non-middle eastern nose, and he also jokingly pointed out, *wink* His mother from the states. His wife is a Jew, he is Muslim. Yeah, that was my reaction too. I even asked about how that worked exactly. They just had their first child, and he explained that it was becoming a bit more of an issue, but that because neither really seriously practiced their faith it wasn't too bad.
We talked for 40 minutes. We talked about our families, we talked about how he was one of the police officers walking next to President Bush during the inauguration, *sniff*, we talked about the war in Iraq especially concerning his father, and we also talked about his job patroling the park.

Julie, "Any protests today?"
Policeman: (don't remember his name), "No, but we arrested over 300 people yesterday during the anti-war protest. Today, I'm just watching that guy with the big white cross."
Julie: "What?"
Policeman: "Yeah look over there by the White House."
Julie: "What is his issue?"
Policeman: "Well, his signs say that the CIA kidnapped his daughter, and that President Bush is keeping her locked up in the White House."

My straight face was gone, and gales of laughter followed. All in a day's work, hehe.

For the homeschoolers out there, we are socialized!! hehe, just had to say that. He seemed amazed at my, zeal? for life. I think zeal is a good word. We didn't get into the discussion of my religion yesterday because I had to leave, (amazingly he didn't want me to go--I think he was enjoying the conversation 'cause walking around a park all day can get dull.)
After discovering that his family lives about two blocks from me, we decided to keep in touch--babysitter, you know?:)

So, I do ask for your prayers. He even talked about how random our meeting up was. I see it as an opportunity. It does seem that he and his wife are searching for something.

So, if you think of it, pray for him, k?

My work as a nanny is swell. The kids are more and more at ease with me, and I am really enjoying them too.

I've gotten involved in a church out here. It's big, but I am starting to meet people, which is always good for a people lovin' person such as myself.

So, that is a quick summary of my life so far. I know I've left much out, but that will have to suffice for now.



Friday, September 9, 2005

Oh to be a kid again...

Where your latest "ego crisis" concerns which bike is better, and who can ride faster....
When the latest emotional crisis is deciding who will show daddy the recording feature on the barbie toy--which is cleared up in a matter of moments when a video tape causes a distraction...
And when local "girl gossip" centers around the latest toys, sea shells, and homework. Ahhh, yes, the simple life.

I do love the way kids look at life. They enjoy it, and more importantly, they live it to the fullest.

Life here has settled into it's own D.C. like pace. I'm actually really enjoying life here, and the kids are really precious. They all look like me--red heads, *wink*

For instance: at the gocery store this morning...

Checker, "She is such a cute little girl." (talking about the youngest girl I watch.)
Customer in front of me, "Yes, she is" (looking at me), "Do you have more?"
Me, "Oh, she's not mine--I'm her nanny."
Customer, "Oh, good I wondered because you look like such a baby yourself."

hehe, some things will never change.

I've met many new people around the neighborhood already. Many are from other countries. It's fun to chat about their countries, and their lives here. I have always been amazed by all the creativity God put into humanity. So different, and yet so alike.

Gotta run for now.

God bless.


Wednesday, August 31, 2005

My new title....Nanny

Well, here I sit in Fairfax Virginia. My new job has begun...I am now officially a Nanny. It's been really great so far. The nanny that I am replacing is an absolute blast. We are continually amazed at how much we have in common. From personality traits, to the kind of food we like to eat.
She's especially happy-go-lucky because she got engaged over the weekend. I guess that happy, giddy stuff happens to people in love;) As one of my friends and I would often say while observing new couples..."They are in the ooohhh, ahhhh stage." The happy-go-lucky, ummm, happy state of being. You all know what I'm talking about.
Anyhow, I think I will like this change. I was a bit of a blubbering mess last night, with the whole getting used to a new way of life. Thank the Lord for moms that take the time to cry and listen to their kids. Guys generally don't understand the emotional craziness that comes with the female gender, but sometimes we just need to cry, and then we feel much better. Don't ask me to explain, I don't get it myself, *wink*

I think I will really like my location once I get used to it. I'm about a five minute walk from the metro into DC. That I can get used to. I'm able to get out in the afternoons to take a run on the trail. So, for those who have memories of the lunchtime HSLDA workout girl, it hasn't stopped;)

Sigh....I still miss my life at HSLDA...the PA callers and the like hehe, but I also do sense that God has me here for this season, so I'm going to make the most of it.

Anyhow...I'll keep you all updated as I continue to get settled in. Keep in touch!


Oh, FYI....the Cards won the third of their three games against the Nats. Just had to, ahem share. And did I mention it was 6 to 0 again? Nuf said. This gloating is going to come back and bite. Let the series from last year be my humble reminder, *wink* Later.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

They did it!!

What can I say, my midwest boys came through, and I was there to see it! The Cardinals played the Nats today, and I was there watching. They won 6 to nothing with the Nats not getting beyond first base all night. It was a sweet victory especially considering their loss last night. Anyhow, it was fun.
The people watcher in me loves baseball games. From the Cardinals fan behind us who had his young sons worked up over every play to the point of screaming, to the guy next to me who filled out every detail of the score card and left at the bottom of the 7th with a humph of disgust. (He was a Nats fan.) Then there was the rather large man who wanted to excite the Cardinals fans in my row by doing...jumping jacks??? He made it to 20 before desolving into a laughing fit.--Or the young couple who got the attention they must have felt they needed by skipping down the isle. People--gotta love 'em.

After the game we got off the metro and explored the Kennedy Center. I'd never been there, but now I know I have to go back and see something. I had no idea it was that big or that grand. Oh to be a dancer on that stage...sigh...

After dinner and a much needed sip of water...more like gulps of water, we headed home.

Now here I sit still loving the sweet taste of victory. Last home game I saw my boys play, they lost...bad, and the one lone Royals fan hiding in the back until the Royals began to win, rubbed it in my now, I guess it is my turn;)

Good night and go Cardinals!!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

I've joined

So-I too have now joined the blog world. I love to read my sister's blog, so I figured I'd return the favor, *wink*

I also think that with my new adventure as a nanny, (starts Monday) a blog would be ideal to describe the new and different, ummm...happenings in my life.

What you may expect from me should you decide to continue to read....

Random thought much of the time.

Drum roll please....I just wrote my first, deep, thoughful, and otherwise boring blog post, enjoy!