Family Photo

Family Photo

Friday, November 25, 2005

An enchanting snow

Thanksgiving eve is not usually a day I keep tucked away in my special memories, but this year it will be. This year, it was magical.
My week, prior to Thanksgiving, was very busy due to the kids being out of school. I scarce had time to think let alone contemplate the upcoming holiday. Then, in what felt like no time at all, it was Wednesday night, the eve of Thanksgiving. Work was done until Monday--there was turkey to be eaten on the morrow. That night, homesickness began to hit me....hard. I just wished it would have worked for me to go home and be with my brothers, sisters, and especially my dad and my mom.
I walked out into the night, sad about life, wondering about my place in this messed up world and, you know the feeling, generally down about everything. LOL, I'm sitting here thinking about that Michael W Smith song...picturing myself walking through the neighborhood belting out: "looking for a reason, roaming through the night to find my PLACE in this world, my PLACE in this wooorlldd." Sorry, funny mental image for me, maybe not so much for you. But, I digress.
Ahhh, yes, so I walked out to head home, (I had been out and about), and from the sky fell THE most enchanting Thanksgiving eve snow I have ever seen. To be honest, I think it is the first Thanksgiving eve snow I have ever seen, but again I digress, hehe.:) I've been asking God of late to make me aware of of the special things He does for me, "Just for love". That snow was just that. I love the wonders of His creation, and the snow was incredible. It was very gentle, so clean, and such a picture of the purity of my Jesus. It wasn't really that cold out either--it was just beautiful. The homesickness didn't leave, but I was comforted to know that He could see me, and that He wanted to share the sadness with me. God's just good like that.

Thanksgiving Day was fun, too. Jeanette and I stopped by a football game that our church guys were playing, but didn't stay long as it was very cold, and none of the other "cheerleaders" showed up.
We had dinner at the Farris', which was so much fun. We talked, ate, played games, talked some more, ate and played more games.

Now, real quick my "I'm thankful for's":

Mom and Dad--Amazing parents, and friends. Never take parents for granted, they are a gift from God.

My siblings: Jeanette, Jeremy, Janessa, Joseph, Jane Joanna, Judy, Jed and Jeff.
I love you all, and am so thankful for you and all you've been and are to me.

My family and friends-You know who you are, for all you've invested in me.

Most of all for Jesus, who gives life meaning and purpose. Life with Him is not always easy, but I can't imagine life without him.

Blessings to you all this holiday season!


Wednesday, November 9, 2005

of life, kids, city life, and my new "boyfriend"

Hey all,

You all must know by now that I am sorry for not typing at your sooner, so I'll spare you another apology;)

I do have a pretty good excuse though--besides the "I'm busy", one-- I have been sick.
I think in the whole year I worked for HSLDA I took one sick day. But, being around schools, and kids all day everyday, I think I'm going to have to work at keeping myself healthy. But, I have discovered this amazing store called "Whole Foods" where I shop each week. I'm on a diet of sorts, although "healthy, liver friendly eating" might be a better phrase to use. I'm drinking lots of water, and even manage to have some kind of fresh veggie or fruit juice each day.

The kids continue to grow me up. There are days when I want to pull my hair out, and then there are days when I am just so happy and blessed. I think life often feels this way for all of humanity. I am learning to be more assertive, which, if you know me at all, is difficult for me. I have lost my patience, (not Anne Shirley like), but lost it all the same a few times. I thank God that kids are patient. They are terribly honest, and have taught me many things about myself.

The city is still not my pal, but I am learning to deal with it. I was almost hit Monday night by an insane driver. K, not really insane, but almost. I was driving on route 50 to my Hebrew lesson. (50, is a 4 lane.) As I was driving 40 to 45 mph, this person speeds by me on the right, then crosses in front of me to turn left in the turnabout thing. Sadly the little guy didn't get his back end out of my way, and I couldn't slow down fast enough. I managed somehow to swerve into the other lane without hitting the other cars, and continue, heart thudding, on my way. I do think my guardian angel might have gotten squished though.
I was able to see a few stars the other night. I'm going to have to find somewhere to star gaze this winter. The city is just too bright.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the Hebrew language affords many interesting opportunities. Have you ever run into those people in the mall that come out from the middle and say, "Can I ask you a question", or something like it? Well, here in Virginia, many times they are from Israel and they are selling some kind of nail, or skin care thing.
I was at the mall over the weekend and a guy asked me if he could ask me a question. Because I was alone, and really didn't mind, (I assumed he was from Israel by his accent and thought I might practice Hebrew on him), I agreed. He delivered his sales pitch quite well, and then I began telling him about my interest in Israel. Next, I started speaking to him in Hebrew, and he about fell over. He was so shocked that I spoke it. We talked for several minutes. He helped me with Hebrew, and I helped him with English. He told me about his family still in Israel--4 brothers and a sister. He told me that he plays basketball professionally in Israel, and he kept trying to impress me with the amount of money he makes. hehe, money does not impress me buddy;) He didn't know how to say the numbers, so he would say "I make 4 with 3 or 4 zeros after it each month", and so on. He wanted to know how old I was, and then he told me his age making sure that I understood that he is 20 and a HALF. hehe, must have wanted me to be impressed.
He kept telling me that I had pretty eyes. First he said it in English, then he tried it in Hebrew. I know he was just trying to make a sale, and it was fun to watch his attempts. I did cave and buy something, because I am a sucker, and because I like Israeli products. I paid by credit card so he needed my number. He looked at me and said, "you know that your number is really for me? I am going to call and say, 'your boyfriend from the mall is calling you'". I told him he'd better not. Thankfully our relationship was established on friendly banter, and he took my rebuff very well.

Anyhow, life is very interesting. I'm thrilled to have Jeanette close, although we haven't seen each other all week;) Hopfully we'll see each other over the weekend.

Well, stay warm, and I'll try and be in touch real soon.