Family Photo

Family Photo

Saturday, March 26, 2011

we're heading into month 8!

I think that monthly updates are a little lame, but, hey, at least I update once in a while, right?  Today marks the end of month 7 for this pregnancy, and the beginning of month 8.  I'm really starting to feel pregnant these days, and am having those thoughts of, "2 more months!?"  But, it'll come and go I'm sure:-)  I've thrown out something in my hip which is causing me a lot of pain.  Hopefully my chiropractor can fix it on Monday.  Pete's been in Utah, (will get back tomorrow night) and so dealing with my stubborn nearly 2-year old has been rough.  But, that, too, will soon pass.

This baby is sitting so much like Sammy did.  He's kinda like a basketballmorphingintoawatermelon right now.  His little heels are choosing to kick at the same poor rib Sam liked.

Check out this not so little man!

Lately Sam's been obsessed with his little yellow boots.  I snapped these photos of him in his mismatched glory and had to share.  Little goofball!

Other than that, I'm getting the spring cleaning/baby's coming bug, and I have been finding lots of dirt!

Oh, and, I almost forgot to mention, but we do have a new, used car.  It's a Toyota Corolla, (for anyone who is wondering).  Pete got it from a family in the Chantilly area.  They had several calls for it, (good price, low miles) and when Pete called they asked him why he wanted the car.  He explained that he has a very pregnant wife who would love a car with 4 doors, rather than 2.  It works much better for the car seats.  We got the car!:-)  Thankfully, the Honda sold a few days later.  Minutes after it hit craigslist, Peter had several bites, and it went to the first guy who asked.  God does care about the small and big things for sure.  I just need to remember that and praise Him no matter the circumstance.  I don't have any pictures of the car right now, but I'll try and post some sometime.