Family Photo

Family Photo

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Video of the boys

This is a video we made for Peter's sister, Laura.  She's in Africa for awhile serving with some missionaries there.  Sammy has a new communication skill; when we don't understand something he's saying and he knows it, he'll stop us, and say, "I sayin'".  I was pretty happy to catch that here.  The whole times he's trying to tell me "baby smile" and I don't get it until the end.


Friday, July 1, 2011

My boys-compare and contrast

Fun facts about my kiddos.

Sam: 7lb, 14oz at birth.  8 hour labor, born at 4am on his due date.
Marcus: 6lb, 13 oz at birth.  2 to 3 hour labor, born at 3pm 2.5 weeks early.

Both 19 inches long I believe.

Sam: quiet and calm right after he was born.
Marcus: Screamed as soon as he came out.

Both gained nearly 5 lbs by their 6 week check up.
Sam 12 lbs ?oz
Marcus 11 lb, 6 oz.

Sam slept the first day he was born almost all day.  After that I was lucky to get more than 1.5 hrs of nap out of him during the day.
Marcus still sleeps at least half of the day away.

Both prefer daddy to calm away their nighttime grumps.

Sam was born with dark, almost black hair.
Marcus was born with sandy, red hair.

Both had no trouble with chub.

Chublicious Marcus at 7 weeks

                                      Sam took awhile to smile (he was too busy studying things)
                                                               Marcus smiled pretty early.

Looks like roles are reversed here!

I'm realizing that if I don't write these fun little things down, I will forget for sure:-)