Family Photo

Family Photo

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Beware the unexpected!

Baby Marcus is here!  This is where I'm going to record his crazy, unexpected birth story.  I won't be too graphic, don't worry, but if you're not really into "birth stories" you may want to stop reading:-)

Mother's Day this year we decided to take it easy.  We'd celebrated Dave's wedding, (Peter's brother) on Saturday, and by Sunday I was exhausted.  In retrospect I'm glad we took it easy.

Monday morning around 6am I headed to the bathroom yet again.  This time though I thought I'd wet myself; awkward!  In actuality, my water had broken.  I went back to bed, and put it out of my mind.  When I got up a bit later, there was more "water".  I decided that I must have a slow leak, and decided to call my midwives to get their take.  I wasn't having any contractions which worried me a little.  I let Pete know what was up, and we decided to have him go to work.  It seemed that this might be a slow moving labor, ha!  He headed in, and I took the advice of my midwives; do your normal thing.  They said that if I hadn't gone into labor by dinner, they may want to get things going, but that if I had a slow leak it may stop and labor could be days later.  So, I figured I had a long time to wait for this baby.  Boy was I wrong.  I started going about my day.  My sister Joanna was here, because she'd photographed the wedding-this turned out to be a God thing.  We puttered around with Sammy, did chores and such.  Around 9am, I started having some light contractions.  They were very manageable and so I didn't pay them much mind.  I let my midwives know, and they said that today could be the day.  I still wasn't convinced.  I started timing them and let Pete know.  They were around 15 to 20 minutes apart and not very painful.  By 11am, they were getting more intense and closer together, but still manageable.  I let Peter know, and he planned to come home after wrapping up a few projects.  By the time he got home around 12:15 things were feeling like labor.  I was on all fours, draped over the birthing ball, thinking, "this isn't for real, I'm not having a baby today, he's not due until the 26th, but these contractions HURT!"  I had let the midwives know how things were going, and they headed out around 1:30pm.  They were about an hour away.  The next bit is a blur.  The contractions were coming one after another, and they were intense.  Peter kept talking to me and encouraging me.  I remember hearing the LaRocks come and get Sammy probably around 2pm.  Elizabeth, Peter's sister arrived around 2:15 I think.  When the midwives arrived, around 2:30pm they checked my status right away.  I heard them say that they could tell that things were moving fast. Peggy let me know that I was around a 6/7 centimeters and completely effaced; crazy!  She said to go ahead a get in the pool.  Funny, as I stepped in Peter and Joanna put the last pot of hot water in.  I had maybe 4 to 6 contractions in the pool, then, all of the sudden my body started pushing.  One of the midwives came in and said something to Pete, and asked him if I had pushed.  "Yep, I think she did!"  On the next contraction my body pushed in earnest and I felt the head!  I was shocked.  I wanted to tell them, but the next huge contraction came, and no words came out, just a wild yelp/growl/scream sound.:-)  One midwife, reached down, and there was the head.  One push later Marcus was here.  He arrived at 3pm.

Because of the speed of things, I didn't get any pictures of Marcus right after the birth, but he's sure pretty.  Things about him remind me of Sam, and yet he's his own little person.  His hair is lighter-kind of blond/brown with a bit of red.  He's so tiny!  He was 6lb 13oz at birth, and was 19 inches long.  Here are a few pictures of him.  We'll get more up soon!  Everyone is doing well.  God is good, and I am very blessed!