Family Photo

Family Photo

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Co-op Christmas fun!

Christmas is long passed, but it's still memory time for me.  Our co-op had a Christmas party before the holidays, and we all decorated cookies together.  It's been so fun for me and for my kids to have a more consistent network of good friends and other moms.  We all bring different experiences and backgrounds to the group.  We have been blessed to be a part of it this school year.
Christmas became more exciting for my 3-year-old this year.  He is understanding more and more just how fun Christmas is!

Conrad loved him some cookies!

Sam, ever my social guy, has especially loved co-op.  They have started working on basketball skills this fall, and he is loving it!

And Marcus, ever the goober when I try and take his picture!  He also likes co-op.  P.E. activities are his favorite.  He gets the wiggles pretty often, so this has been a good outlet for him this winter.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Thankful for generations

We had a sweet time this Christmas with Peter's family.  I think my favorite moment was when Samuel's Great Grandmother opened a gift which included some of the names that Jesus was to be called (as prophesied by Isaiah).  She just began to read each one and as she did she talked with Samuel about the beauty of each one.  I think as we get older and we have more time to really stop and think about who God is and the gift that His son truly is, we are more and more amazed by it.   She certainly is.  Right now I feel like just about every thought I have is interrupted, and my quiet times are often hurried and distracted, hoping someone doesn't wake early.  While I don't like the thought of every aspect of aging, I do hope that as time goes by and as I have more time to reflect that I will be able to enjoy the wonder of Jesus more and more.