Family Photo

Family Photo

Friday, August 14, 2015

And then there were 4!

On July 15th at 3:33 in the afternoon, we welcomed our 4th little man.

Conrad Michael, 8lb, 8oz, 21.5 inches long and precious.

The labor and delivery, in a nut shell, were long and unpredictable and very different from my other births.

Having been nearly 3 weeks early with Marcus and Isaac, I was hoping to go a little closer to term with this one, so I didn't do any of the herbal labor preps I had done before, and just waited to see what my body would do.  It was a little strange to go to nearly 40 weeks again, (I went to 40 weeks with Sammy), but I'm glad I did.  Toward the end of the pregnancy I was in quite a bit of pain, and I was getting weary of the, "you're so huge comments", but I made it.  I think having 3 active boys also made the last few weeks tough.

My labor began around midnight on July 15th.  The contractions hurt, but were 5 or more minutes apart, so I wasn't really sure whether or not it was real labor.  I let my midwives know, but told them to hold tight for awhile just to see where things were going.  At around 3 am I called my midwife to let her know that things were about the same.  My contractions had intensity, but weren't any closer together.  She stated that they would like to come on over because if my water were to break, things could start moving really quickly.  I was still so unsure of what was going on with my body, (with the other 3, when contractions got painful, things sped up really quickly), but agreed they should come over.   Everyone got there, they checked the baby and me, then decided to catch a nap.  Peter filled the tub, and he, too, fell asleep.

For the next several hours I'd have contractions every 5 to 7 minutes, but never closer together.  They seemed more intense if I was on all fours or laying on my side, and seemed to stop when I would get up or try the ball.  So, in bed I stayed.  The midwives would come to check the baby's heartbeat and me, then would go back to sleep.  They are such pros at sleeping when they can!  As the sun came up, I knew the kids would be getting up and we seemed far off from having a baby.  Peter called his brother, and they came and took our kiddos for what would end up being the entire day!

The midwives checked my dilation in the morning and I was about 5 centimeters.  So, progress, but not the kind I'm used to seeing.   After a few more hours of painful contractions which would not get any closer together I think everyone could sense my frustration.  they checked again and I was still only 5 centimeters.  My midwives were not worried about the baby, but could sense I was getting tired, so they suggested an herbal tincture and walking.  Because it was so hot outside, Peter and I opted for the stairs.  For the next 2 plus hours, Peter and I walked up and down two flights of stairs.  It all began to work!  The contractions started coming closer together, but, I think, due to how tired I was, I didn't feel as emotionally strong as I have in some of my other labors.  I just wanted it all to stop.  We reached the bedroom after one of our many trips down the stairs, and I had a huge contraction.  I felt Conrad's head move down and my water broke.  I was trying to tell everyone what happened, but I couldn't catch my breath!  Finally it eased and I was able to talk.  I finally was able to get in the tub of water.  My body had nearly finished dilating, and I could tell we were close.  I think this was around 2 or 2:30 pm.  The next hour I had some pretty crazy intense contractions.  I remember feeling like I could not go on, and I told everyone that.  I don't remember ever feeling the movement of his head like I did this time around.  It was amazing but terrifying!

At one point, Peter jokingly asked the midwives why we called contractions, "contractions."  He reasoned that maybe if we called them "happy squeezes" we moms wouldn't dread/fear them so much.  To which they responded that if he were to call them happy squeezes to a laboring mom, he might get cussed at.  As I went into another difficult contractions, one of them said, "oh, another happy squeeze!"  I couldn't say anything, but I don't know if I would have laughed or cussed if I could have.  :-)

My body started to push a bit on its own, and I knew we were so close to meeting this baby.  I had to let go of the last bit of fear and let my body do what it needed to do.  2 big pushes later, I was holding Conrad!  I remember just thanking God over and over as I looked at the little miracle He'd given our family.  I really struggled through this labor emotionally, and there were times where I felt I couldn't go on.  I am so thankful that God was there with me!  My husband was also a huge encouragement, and he refused to let me give up, and encouraged me when I felt down.  The midwives also were a true blessing and support.  I remember once, when I started to say, "I just can't" one of them looked me in the eye, dripped some warm water over my arm and said, "yes you can!"

Conrad is my biggest baby at birth and he is such a chunky, monkey at 1 month old!  His oldest 2 brothers cant get enough of him.  Isaac's been a bit slower to come around, but he seems to like baby these days.

Conrad and Sam.  Baby is a few hours old.
One week!

Brothers!  Conrad is 3 weeks here and so adorably chubby.

2 weeks and hanging with Marcus.

My heart and hands are pretty full these days.  I'm trying to savor as much as I can amidst the chaos that is us.  The time does go by so fast!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

And the May birthday boy...

As is usual for this guy, I'm way behind.  Welcome to middle child existence, little one!  He fights me every time I try to take his picture.  This one I managed one night while I was tickling him in bed.  His hair has turned more red this year, and freckles run across his nose.  Add that to the round cheeks and blue eyes, and it's pretty easy to figure out who his mommy is!

Marcus is now 4 years, old, so our guys are all even numbers for now; 2, 4 and 6.  Marcus is our goofball of a son, who loves to make his brothers laugh and he has a knack for teasing harassment, just like his dad.  He looks like mom and acts like dad! :-)  He hangs around with us while Sam and I do school, and I've been working with him a little on his letters, sounds and numbers.  It was fun to discover a few days ago that he can put sounds together and read simple words.  With all of his goofiness I had no idea just how much he really has been picking up.  He also seems to be the most attached to dad right now.  He always makes such a big fuss over daddy getting home, and generally lets me know, each morning, just how sad he is that daddy had to go to work.  We did a backyard camping adventure for his birthday (to test these crazy guys before we attempt a bigger trip) and they loved it.  Marcus loves to rough it and be outdoors.  He is like Peter and I in that he gets shy and overwhelmed by large groups of people.  He is generally content to play on his own, or just with a few kids.  A few weeks ago we went to the park and there were many other kids there.  Sammy was instantly thrilled because there would be so many friends to make.  Marcus, on the other hand, clung to me for the first good while we were there, and eventually began to join in the chaos.  He always seems happiest to be home, and will comment about how happy he is to get home when we've been gone.  We sure love this little goober and the fun addition he is to our family!
Ahhh, they grow up so fast!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

It's the birthday season at our house!

We have March, April and May babies so far, so this time of the year is full of birthday excitement. Samuel turned 6 last week!  He has been so excited to be one year older.  He keeps reminding me that next year he'll be old enough to join the "bigger" kids soccer group.  Where does the time go?  He's my first baby and so went through the biggest learning curve for me as a mom.  Thankfully, he still seems pretty normal and happy :-)

He is so grown up these days, and part of me can hardly remember those years which have already passed.  I am so thankful for pictures!
Happy 3 year old playing in the snow.

He always has been Mr. Personality!

First year chubber.

Cutie pie!

Oldest of three boys!  We sure love Sammy!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

We have a 2-year old!

This little guy turned 2 back in March, and I thought it'd be fun to talk about our little whippersnapper today.  Each time we have a child I have a hard time going back and remembering what life was like before they joined the family.  It's incredible how quickly they just become part of us, and we're all that much better off.

Isaac has blessed our family so much already.  He was born in the midst of some crazy remodeling, home purchasing, stressful times, and he fit right into the chaos with amazing ease.  He does seem to take life in stride, (well, as long has he's the center of mom's attention and as long has he doesn't have to share.  He doesn't even like to share mommy with daddy...but I digress.)  He loves everyone, and was my baby who would let just about anyone hold and love on him.  Part of the reason we picked the name Isaac is because it has such a fun meaning, "laughter".  Isaac has certainly lived up to his name's meaning.  He laughs easily!  He also still snuggles which Peter and I both love, and after he's been naughty it doesn't take much convincing him to go give the offended a hug and kiss.
Here he is so proud of himself for blowing out his candles.  He LOVES birthdays, and if he ever sees a lit candle he immediately either starts singing "Happy Birthday" or he points at it and says, "Hap Birthday to ya!"  

It's hard to believe that two years have gone by!  He was such a little guy when he was born.  But, it's also been fun to watch him grow and change.  Sometimes I wish I could hold back the hands of time just a little bit though.  So thankful to have pictures!!