Family Photo

Family Photo

Friday, April 21, 2017

The days are long, but the time is flying by...

Two birthdays have come and gone already this year.  I knew when we started hitting birthday season, the reality of baby coming soon would start to hit me, and it has!  We are really in the home stretch now.  
First, we had our 3rd born who turned 4 in March.  While he may be a bit tiny in stature, he makes up for it with his big personality.  He still regularly tells me how glad he is to be 4 and that he's going to be 5 soon.  This guy has been determined to do school alongside his brothers, and I eventually stopped fighting it.  He has gone through so many books, and learned to read when he was still a tiny 3-year old.  He is incredibly determined.  I imagine you'd need to be with 2 big brothers.  He's a stinker who thrives on harassing his brothers, and almost seems to enjoy getting into trouble.  But, on the other had, he is so loving and sweet.  We sure love this guy!

Yesterday, my oldest turned 8!  Unfortunately, we've had a bug hit and we weren't up for celebrating.  This guy was sick first, last week, and yesterday he was ready to party.  Not so much for the rest of us.  Thankfully he's been a champ about celebrating this weekend when everyone is hopefully on the mend.  Sam is truly growing up so quickly.  He's really doing well in school, and has told me that science is his favorite subject.  He loves to discover things and how things work.  He was able to participate in a play at church for Good Friday.  He's really been enjoying his friendships there.  He is a big help to me these days, and although he does accuse me of slave labor on occasion, he's generally happy to help out with chores.  He's enjoying spring soccer now, and can't wait for summer, swimming, camping, baseball, exploring and fun plain fun!  He's also pretty stoked about baby sister's arrival.  Happy 8th, buddy!  We sure love you!