Family Photo

Family Photo

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Almost there!

Today marks the end of month 8 for this pregnancy!  I have to admit that I am counting down the days a bit more with this one than I did with Sam which probably isn't good because who knows when he'll decide to show up.  Ah well!  I've been in a lot more pain with this one then I was with Sammy, and I'm very ready to get him out:-)  My hips and back are better, but I still find it hard to walk much at all.  I'm getting around the house fine, but not getting out for walks in this amazing weather is killing me; well not really--being a drama queen here!  I really shouldn't complain.  This pregnancy has gone well, and my little one is growing and he's quite a little kicker.  He's nearly full term now.  Here are a couple of pictures of the tummy.  It's pretty big, I agree.  I'm carrying much like I did with Sammy, which was big, but, I'm measuring normally, and everything seems to be as it should size wise.

It's been a beautiful week so far, and Sam and I have enjoyed playing outside.  He would live out there if I let him.  I suggested a tent today, but he didn't seem very sure about that. :-)

The pictures below are from a little b-day party we had for Sammy on Sunday.  Enjoy!


Pretty Aunt, and pretty cake!  Thanks, Abby for the cake!


Blowin' them.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Our "baby" is two!

Today our little man turns 2!  Time truly does fly.  This little guy has been such a joy.  He's taught me a lot about myself for sure.  God knows what we need, and I've needed this little man, strong will and all, to teach me new things, and to grow me more! :-)

 Here he is at breakfast sporting some awesome hair.  Breakfast time is fun.  We usually get daddy out the door, and then eat together.  He pretty much always reminds me that we need to "pay!" (pray) as he reaches for my hand.  He then ends the prayer with a hearty "amen" and we chat about the day while we eat.  He usually asks about his little buddies, JJ, Joy, and Miles, (neighborhood kids).  He'll want to go outside to play or bye bye in the car.  The he'll sit and talk to me while I clean up.  Lately he's been playing with some shiny beads from our wedding that I recently found.

Awww, I just love his little kissable face.  He's so quick to forgive and love on me when I get angry with him. He likes to be with mommy and get snuggles, although it's getting hard these days with my big tummy.  He snuggles for a few seconds, then it changes to squirming. :-)

I'm so blessed to have been given 2 years with this little booger, and I pray that the next two are even better!

I love you, Samster!