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Family Photo

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

In the lives of the LaRock boys

My two munchkins are growing and changing so much these days.  I have little "diaries" that I bought for them where I try and put little tidbits about what's going on in their lives and development from time to time.  I am not a faithful to update them as I would like, but as quickly as I forget these precious moments with my babies, I need to record some things!

So, here's an update on each of them for the blog.

Samster is really doing a lot of changing right now.  Thankfully, the tantrums have lessened, and he's learning to obey.  When he's been naughty, (once he regains control of himself) he'll rub his eyes and say, "I sorry, mom" or "I sorry, dad."  It's refreshing to see each positive steps with him.  He's been more of a challenge than we "expected", (who can expect what comes in that little bundle?)  He's a very passionate young man, and he has a very determined will.  Peter and I have had to learn a lot about his personality - trust me, we're still learning!  It's been really good for me to have this kiddo, though.  He's humbling, and he's grown me in many ways already.  Lest you think too negatively of our little goose though, let me say that he is a sweetheart!  He loves to chit chat with me during the day about his toys, and whatever I'm working on.  He'll quote his favorite movies which right now are, Toy Story, How to Train Your Dragon, Babe and various Veggie Tales.  Now, he'll grab any old toy, (lately he's been using a rope) to act out different scenes.  His little imagination is really starting to take off!  If I look sad or tired, he'll come over to me and say, "what's wron, (this is how he says wrong) mommy?"  He's not satisfied until I give him a smile and let him know that everything's okay.  For Christmas we purchased a little children's computer for him.  He'll take it over to the couch and say, "I needa work, mom".
Another funny, and sometimes frustrating line is: "I do it, no I do it!"   If I "do" things for him that he can do for himself, he'll undo whatever I did and do it again, himself!
He's my picky eater and will literally gag on foods that he doesn't like, (which happen to be a lot of good food.)
He's starting to take more and more interest in reading stories.  It took awhile.  He has a hard time sitting still for long.
He loves outside, and neither of us can wait for the warm weather!

He doesn't cuddle much these days.  Yesterday, though, he let me rock him to sleep while I sang some songs I used to sing when I had more time to rock with him.  He loves, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Somewhere Out There, and You've Got a Friend in Me.    Such sweet, precious times!  He'll be three in April which is so hard to believe.  One of my New Year's resolutions is to try to enjoy my kids more.  It's so easy for me to get grouchy with them when they're being  I'm so blessed to even have them.

Sam's my bud, and I'm excited to see what the coming months hold.

Marcus is nearly 8 months old, and he's really changing.  He's getting closer to crawling, and has just started to move himself forward in the last few days.  He still doesn't have any teeth!  Sammy was the same way.  They start "teething" in month 5, and then don't get anything for months - well, just the grumpies that come with teething.   He's been very resistant to solid foods and has only just started eating solid food consistently.  Hopefully this change will help him sleep better at night.  I worked really hard with Sammy to try and get him to sleep through the night early.  It didn't work, and the process made  me cry more than anything else.  So, with Marcus, I've been pretty laid back about nighttime sleep.  I honestly don't know the answer to the nighttime sleep deal, but I'm just not willing to go to battle like I did with Sammy.  I am ready for a full night of sleep though, that's for sure.

Marcus has become a lot like Sammy was at this age.  He wants mommy to hold him constantly while he's awake, and he prefers to be walked and included in everything I do.  I swear my back is not going to make it through my clingy kids! :-)  He's also gotten really bad about daytime sleep.  That is one battle I'm fighting with him!  Even as I type this post, he woke up after 45 minutes of sleep, (which required 45 minutes of screaming to even go down at all.)  Ah well, this too shall pass!
He is pretty happy-go-lucky a lot of the time.  He smiles like crazy, and generally lets just about anyone hold and play with him.  He has learned how to scream and enjoys listening to the sound of his voice.  He says, "da da, ma ma" and "guh".  He loves to chew everything in sight.  He seems to love music.  He loves toys that make music, listening to me sing, and Aunt Abby's guitar.

I'm loving this little one so much!

Now that I'm typing with one hand, I'm going to bid you farewell.