Family Photo

Family Photo

Monday, July 15, 2013

Part Two....

This is my best friend, the love of my life, and the most handsome man in the world - yes, biased here.

This last year has probably been one of the craziest since we've been married, but through all of it Peter's literally been my unflappable rock.  I've felt more emotional and exhausted then I have ever before I think, but Peter's remained patient and loving when I haven't been.  I know I'm one blessed woman to have him in my life and I pray that this coming year is especially blessed for Peter.

We all love you so much, darling!

My baby is conspiring against me I feel, when it comes to these posts, so I will leave it at that.

Happy Birthday, my Love!

Following in my tradition so far, this post is a bit late.  Peter's birthday is the 10th of July, which gives our family birthdays in March, April, May, June and July.  Fun times!

Peter has been hard at work on our new home, and I want to share some pictures.  Each room in our house needs work of some kind, some more than others.  The downstairs bathroom needed a lot of work, and we began there.  I was pretty determined to try out tiling, but, in the season of life I'm in, I have lots of ideas, but no time or energy to see them through.  After I did the research and purchased the supplies, my loving husband laid our tile floor.

He continued working on it, and today it is nearly complete.  Here are before and after pictures of the bathroom.

I am so grateful for Peter.  He's a hardworking man who has so much to juggle these days.

To be is awake :-)