Family Photo

Family Photo

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My first Christmas as a Mrs....

"What's it like? Is it neat?"
They asked me often of Pete.
"It's your first Christmas as a wife
And this new way of life."

I thought and I thought
I thought quite a lot.
'Tis a new thing to ponder
This married life wonder.

True I am now a Mrs.
And I get lots of kisses
I cook for two now
And I love learning how.

I have my boy Pete
And he is real sweet
His prayers and his love
Are gifts from above.

He does like to tease;
Tickle, poke, and squeeze
"But, this is how I show love"
He explains with a playful shove.

After thinking it over for a bit
I did finally have to admit
That this Christmas wasn't the same
But neither was it bad for this dame.

The biggest change for me
Was not going home to Illy.
A few tears were fought quickly away
As thoughts turned to family not there that day.

I thought about the snow and the cold
The Christmas story as the Gospel of Luke told.
My dad's calming voice, and my mom's happy smile
All came to my mind with a happy little sigh-el.

All of my siblings enjoying the Holiday cheer
Came each to my mind as I wished they were near.
My fellow read heads Jeanette, Jed and Joanna
And the blonds and brunettes, Jane, Judy, Jeff and Janessa.

This year, though, I spent Christmas with my new family,
And indeed, what a blessing they are to me.
Their welcome and love made Christmas such a joy
And they blessed me with an amazing kitchen toy!

So to Paul, Elizabeth, Laura and Dave,
And John and Abby; thanks for all you gave!
To my new parents, too
I am so very blessed in you.

And more than gifts, celebration or anything new,
The reason for the season is still right on cue.
The promise of hope and the power of joy,
Came to us in the life of a little boy.

Jesus Christ came to earth in the form of a baby. He lived a perfect life, and He died, taking my sin and yours, so that we could go free! This is the message of Christmas. It changes not, and it brings hope to us all. Merry belated Christmas

*Poetry or the attempt thereof by yours truly - Julie:-)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

the "pass"

when it snows and becomes cold, the mountain and its deadly "pass"...are, as they seem. mercy is given to no one. motorists are left to wonder at the cruelty.

this day began like any other. the first snow of the winter had begun to fall, but only an inch or two were forecasted. motorists everywhere, began to hop in their cars and head for the road that would take them over the "pass".

As the "pass" is neared, brake lights are seen, and the traffic begins to crawl. used to accidents and traffic delays, the motorists content themselves with the pace and start up the mountain.

the local geese see what lies around the bend. they scoff at the notion of what the motorists will find when the "pass" is reached.

"look, look", said one to another,
"long those people have been waiting,
for a chance at some skating!
if they only knew, oh brother!"

but, they didn't know, those motorists. work was awaiting, calls were coming, and for an unknown reason, the cars were at a halt.

10, 20, 30, and 40 minutes the motorist crawled, trying in vain to see around the next bend just what was up ahead. The radio announcers just said it was slow, but no further explanation did they know.

wait, wait, what's that up ahead? three cars slowly start up the pass. there is no accident, and not a flashing light can be seen. why, then oh why, what is that unseen?

It is the "pass." the deadly terrifying "pass." suddenly, a hint of what's up ahead is caught. three cars seem to crawl and then wobble.

"Is it slick up ahead?!" the driver excitedly notes. "oh, wow, it must be bad."

slowly, slowly, the pass is approached. it is realized with each foot that danger lies ahead.

suddenly the van directly to the front begins to swerve and fish tale! the driver hits the breaks. as soon as he tries to move he begins to lose control again. as he tries to go up and over the pass, he begins to slide from the left lane, to the right lane in onto the shoulder, where he stops-terror stricken.

from behind a large Fed Ex truck begins to swerve and lose control. it's then that the green Honda begins to swerve. to the right and then the left he goes. gingerly he tries to stay on the road. the driver's hands are sure, as the passenger cries out in terror. inch by inch the pass angrily taunts, "go ahead, try, you are foolish dots. dots of people in little cars, nothing to my awesome, mighty, slippery tar."

three other cars slide to the right shoulder as it becomes impossible to stay on the road. the Fed Ex truck works his way up, over the pass, and he beats it! a little 4-wheel drive Subaru has no fear of the pass.
the brave green Honda, and its driver and passenger have come to a complete stop. the road is terrifying! there are cars swerving in front and in back. the driver, in a brave attempt gets the Honda over to the left shoulder and put its wheels into the gravel! then, traction, blessed traction.

the Honda is finally allowed to rest his poor, cold tires, as the pass is cleared and the descent begins.

funny, the road, so normally busy with rush hour traffic, is quiet as one by one each car tries to beat the "pass." the light snow is enjoyed, as is the sanded road. how fun to drive over 5 miles an hour.

a little fear is felt when it's realized that the "pass" must once more be crossed later in the day. but, then it's realized; the "pass" has been beaten once, it can be beaten again!

*extra drama added for effect :-)
**Route 7's name is left out to protect its delicate sensitivity
***driver: Peter, screamer: Julie
****event: drive to work this am!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Mr and Mrs LaRock

Yep, we are back and we are getting back in to the swing of life as usual...sort of:-)

Life is different, but as I keep noting to myself, it doesn't feel that much different. Marrying my Pete just seemed like a very natural move. We're enjoying getting to know each other even better, and working at getting our cute little house to feel like home.

The wedding was beautiful! I don't think I could ever thank enough all who helped and participated.
The reception out here was really fun, too! We had a good crowd, delicious food, dancing and lots of socialazing.

We enjoyed our stay at Bethany Beach - thankfully the weather was in the 70's most of the week. We played in the sand, I got a lovely sun-burn, were very lazy for a week, and started getting used to being a Mr and a Mrs. I did brave the cool temps and got into the ocean twice; Peter, on the other hand, braved it just about every day.

Here are some pictures from the wedding. It's taking me a bit to get organized and some picures are still coming in; but, enjoy these, and there will be more!

Happy bride with her handsome groom:)

Ze bridal party

Moms and dads with the bride and groom!

Ushers with the bride and groom.

Peter and his best man, Paul.

Friday, September 28, 2007


1. In 8 days, Julie Cole will be Julie LaRock - wow.
2. In 8 days, Peter will have....gasp...a wife!
3. In 8 days we each will have a new set of parents.
4. In 8 days we each will have a new set if siblings.
5. In 8 days, Peter will become an uncle!
6. In 8 days we're going to make some very permanent vows.
7. In 8 days we're going to each have a new ring.
8. In 8 days we'll probably laugh and cry a lot.
9. In 8 days God will be laughing and crying with us.
10. In 8 days we're going to face our fear of being the center of attention!
11. In 8 days Peter will finally be welcome to stay at our cute little townhouse.
12. In 8 days we'll dance for the first time as husband and wife.
13. In 8 days I get to show off the most amazing dress a sister could make for another.
14. In 8 days we'll all be really tired.
15. In 8 days our lives will be forever changed.

Really, can it be 8 days away?

Last night, I stopped to pick up my mail from the townhouse where I used to live. I found that a huge box had arrived for Peter and I from Bed Bath and Beyond. LOL, I tried heroically to get that puppy into my car, but it would not fit at all. Opening the box and emptying the contents seemed to be the only way to get it to fit. That worked, and now it's back at our house. Getting married is like Christmas in September!

I went home last weekend to try on my dress and such, and can I just say, it's beautiful! Jeanette has done a fantastic job - truly a labor of love. Pictures of it will be coming after the wedding;)

Amazingly I feel very calm about everything. There is just an endless list of tiny details that keep coming up, but project by project, they are getting done.

Gotta run for now.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

30 days!

Yes, it's true. We're tying the knot in 30 days. Crazy in a way the way the time is flying.

Our house is looking more and more like a home. Peter found an adorable kitchen table with 4 chairs. The kitchen just feels more like home now.

We finished the chair rail in the living room, and it looks amazing. Actually, I should say Peter finished it. I provided dinner and an occasional hand where needed.

We put our bed up in our room last night! It looks really pretty, too.
The new mattresses and frame were wedding gifts from his parents, and I have to say after sleeping on the mattresses last night, thank you! They are really nice! hehe, that's the beauty of living there now - I get to try everything out first:-)

Wedding plans are really coming together. I hear my dress is amazing, thanks to my amazing family. I get to try it on in two weeks when I head home for a weekend, yay! Can't wait to see it.

Peter and I are getting pretty excited!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Our house in progress

Our house is coming along! We have finished painting, excluding touch-ups, and the place is really starting to look great.

Here are some pictures of what will be our bedroom. We are going to be putting up chair rail around the middle of the room.

Here's a picture of the kitchen. I love the blue and off-white contrast.

The living room is done now, and I'll get some pictures of those colors up soon.

I've moved to our new house for August and September, and I'm finally starting to feel okay sleeping alone there. The first week, at times, the air conditioner would sound like someone opening the bedroom door. I would wake up with a jump, only to realize that nobody was there:-)

Joseph came over on Saturday and kept me company while I painted...that was nice. Then we went grocery shopping.
Last night I cooked my first meal in my little kitchen with the frying pan and the radio to keep me company, hehe. It was fun, though, and the whole house smelled yummy.

Oh, and Friday night Peter and I went on a for real date! That was fun:-) We haven't gone out as a couple for a bit. It was nice to have dinner together and talk to, be with, and focus on each other. My sister, Jeanette, told me that it is important, especially when planning a wedding and all that we are doing right now, to take time to just be a couple. I'm glad we did.

Little Lucy's is still as cute as ever! She had a shower on Saturday and got lots of really cute clothes. I really like this pic of Joanna and Lucy, so I'll close out this post with it:-)


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Illinois trip

Peter and I went to Illinois two weekends ago to finalize wedding stuff, see my family, and see the corn. It's really tall there this year. Peter and I wanted to see if I could get taller than the corn if I sat on his shoulders and put my hands up as high as possible....


Here we are again, playing in the cornfield:-)

While in Illinois, my aunt threw us a couple's shower. It was such a blessing! She cooked amazing food, many aunts and uncles came bearing gifts for our cute little house, and we topped the night off with a good game of nertz. Here we are on the way to our shower:-)

Wedding stuff and house stuff is going. Work is still crazy:-)

Peter's brother, Dave, is in the area, and I've been able to get to know him a bit. Peter, Paul, Dave and I met up with some friends Monday night and went bowling. It was fun. I really bombed the first game, but managed to pull in 3rd the 2nd game. Peter won the first game hands down, but barely pulled out a win over Dave the 2nd game. Good times, good times.

Gotta scoot for now.

Have a great day!


Friday, August 3, 2007

Be still and know that He is God...

Do you ever feel like life is going so fast, you are running just to catch up to your own shadow? I've been feeling that the past couple of weeks. Perhaps it's the purchase of our new home and the painting and preparation that entails. Maybe it's our wedding now just two short months away. Or, maybe I can blame it on busy season kicking in at work just as the busy conference season closes. My life sounds like this saying my dad once showed me: "I've gone to look for myself, so if I get back before I return, please ask me to wait."

The past couple of days I've felt very overwhelmed. I've found myself going down my mental list of wedding to dos, moving to dos, and house to dos while talking to various callers. Yesterday, I had several long phone calls. While listening and offering as much information as I could, I tried to work on some e-mails, but then the front desk would instant message me with another call on hold, someone would stop by my office, and my head would jump back to, invitations, guest list, flowers, tuxes, paint, boxes, packing...sigh.

This morning I met with my prayer buddy here at work, and we spent some time praying about life, and about our hearts. When I get busy, I have a tendency to put God on a back burner and take care of the more, "important things." As I took time to pray and seek the face of my God this morning, I was struck with the stupidity of the afore mentioned thought. What could be more important than time spent with my Father--the One who gave His very life because He saw value and worth in mine? I've been allowing myself to cut off the very One Who can bring my life and true peace and joy.

As I prayed my perspective began to change.

The wedding is a lot of work, I'll grant you, but I'm being given the opportunity to love someone with Christ's love for the rest of my life. I'm going to be able to learn each day what it means to love someone, and to be loved by someone. I've been given an amazing gift in my Peter, and it would be foolish to get so caught up in the "stress of planning a wedding" to forget this gift I've been given. He's the one, who through the busyness of our lives right now, asks to pray with me, and gently encourages and listens. While I want the day to be special, its importance fades as I think about the bigger, lifetime commitment I will make that day.

The house is work,but what a blessing to have a home together! What a blessing to have the time to get it ready to be lived in now; to paint it the way we want it, and to do it as a team. This is such a special time in our lives. Just last night we were able to look at our newly finished kitchen--pictures will be up soonish:-)

Work is work, but, it's also another opportunity to pour my life into ministry. Sometimes these moms, (and dads too) need to share with someone. It's a blessing to work in a place filled with people who love the Lord, who meet corporately twice each week to seek the face of God. My prayer buddy is one of my best friends, and I am so grateful that she's a part of my life. God has blessed me here.

I do have much to thank God for, and I need to spend more time doing so. I'm glad He reminded me this morning, "Darling girl, be still and know that I am God. Before the foundations of the world I knew you-I knit you together in your mother's womb. Be still, my child, be still."

Monday, July 16, 2007

So first, read Julie's blog down below. I didn't mean to steal her thunder, but Joanna suggested that some pictures of my family might be in order. First of all, though, we don't have the house YET; that should happen early tomorrow morning, Lord willing and the creek don't rise. Pray for us, please! Julie has been an incredible part of making this work; Friday I was out of town, and she coordinated about a dozen difficult last minute tasks and requests for information. Our bank actually seems more disorganized than me (pause for a moment to let the significance of that sink in). Anyway, she's had a terrific attitude and been nothing but a sweetheart, and we were so excited to see each other when she picked me up at the airport on Sunday. Yay!
So anyway, like I said, pictures of my family.
This one is us at Ravens Rock, actually not far from where I asked Julie to marry me.

John and Abby :)

Laura, Abby, and Elizabeth

and Paul and Johnny

Absent from these photos is David, my older brother. We do have pictures of him around the house, but none digital. We'll take some when he comes down in a few weeks.


Hey all. Lots going on right now for us!

Today, in a few hours, if all goes according to plan, we will be purchasing our first home! It’s a little townhouse on the edge of Winchester, VA, and it’s really cute. It’ll be fun to have it ready to be lived in before we are married in October. Location is fantastic in that we’ll be neighbors with Jeremy, Jessica, and the adorable little Lucy!

We’ve also been busy making with our wedding plans. I had no idea there were so many details associated with one day. God has been so good to us! My sister, Jeanette, has been amazing. She’s helping with so many of the details, and I don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s making my dress, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I hear it’s beautiful, and I’ll get to try it on in two weeks when Peter and I head to Illinois for a quick visit. We’re going to decide on the church, reception location, and all kinds of other details.

Beyond, hmmm, buying a house and planning a wedding, not too much going on. We’re busy with work; HSLDA’s busy season is almost upon us.

We do manage to have some together time outside of the craziness of life. I’m one blessed girl. Peter and I grow closer and we continue to see God’s faithfulness to us. We’ve been working through a book called, “Sacred Marriage”. The emphasis is on allowing God to use marriage to make us holy rather than seeking our own happiness through it.

There’s a movie being filmed at HSLDA/PHC today, and, heh, I’m going to be an extra. It’s really kind of cool. The cast and crew are all set up in the membership department. I find the whole process fascinating. I even got a little makeup attention and a costume. My white shirt is not cool for filming I guess.

Scratch that, I didn’t end up being in it—apparently a lot of people like the idea of some fame, *grin*. But, it’s funny to be sitting here listening to: “Quiet on the set please”, “Action--QUIET ON THE SET PLEASE”--While I take calls about religious exemption, notices of intent, and the like.

I hope you’re all having a blessed day!

Friday, June 29, 2007

I'm getting married!

To my Pete:

I think I'm pretty much on cloud nine right now, babe. There was a time that I really wanted to get married, then came the time when I was afraid to get married and swore I never would, and then there's now--a time when I can't wait to be married. I guess God had something else in mind when He introduced me to you.

You were worth the wait, and I love you more every day. With wedding plans and crazy busy schedules, thanks for reminding me each day of your love, and your support.
You're my best friend!

And for the other blog readers: Some pictures:)


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Engagement pics

Let me know what you think! Kelly, a friend of ours took these for us. Aren't they beautiful? I have some more I'll add soon.

Monday, June 11, 2007

New pics and stuff

So...Sunday was actually a pretty busy day, as you may have gathered. Here's my best buddy on the way back from the airport. I think the camera made her a bit uncomfortable :)

Julie with her birthday flowers; we aren't attaching any symbolism to these blossoms, since they got baked in the car and kinda flopped over later that day.

So the bugs were kinda pesky at first, but must have realized we wanted to be left alone for a bit. I think here she's just trying to get a few feet away from the camera without falling off the cliff in back of her. A few minutes after she said yes.

Julie 'n' me.

Not to downplay little Lucy...

But, we are engaged!!! Peter proposed to me on my Birthday:)

Yesterday afternoon we went for a hike to Raven's Rock, (something I love to do with him), we returned to a cliff we'd found last time we were there. After talking for a bit, chasing some pesky gnats away, and admiring the view of the valley, he pulled out a letter and began to read it to me. It was amazing, and at the end there was a big question, and....drum roll please....I said, "yes!" Haha, I laughed and cried at the same time.
Peter's love is something that has caught me by surprise, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. He's my best friend, and I'm thrilled to take this step with him!

We will get pictures up soon. I don't have any close shots of the ring yet, but it is absolutely beautiful!

I feel like the most blessed girl in the world right now.

After we left Raven's Rock, we went to Winchester to see my mom, (who is enjoying her grandbaby very much), headed back to Purcellville to my house, where there was much giggling and rejoicing, and then we headed to to the LaRock's! It was kind of funny because I'd been there earlier in the day to celebrate my Birthday--Laura, Pete's sister, made an amazing cake, and I showed up later engaged.
If you haven't guessed, I'm really excited!

Pictures, soon.

J (and Peter)

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Little Lucy

Jeanette's got this photo up, too, (I did steal it cause I didn't get the e-mailed pics:-(. She be pretty no?

J (for P&J)

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Lucy Elizabeth

I held her yesterday, and she's beautiful! I don't have any pictures yet, but we took some, and I'll hope to get some up soon.

I spent most of my afternoon and evening at the hospital yesterday hoping to get my chance to at least see little Lucy. The NICU has specific visiting times, and during the afternoon visiting time they were closed because they had to stabilize a baby that had just come in from UVA. I talked to the new parents, ran some errands in Winchester, and headed back to the NICU last night.

Not only did I get to see her, but I was able to hold her. She's sooo tiny! She has dark brownish hair, and her eyes seemed dark blue, but I couldn't quite tell. She weighed 6lbs and 6ozs at birth and was 19 inches long. Jessica and I noted that she appears to have a Cole nose, and the trademark curled Cole toe:-)

Her arrival was a bit traumatic, (doctors are saying that it was a serious situation--Lucy's cord was pinched which caused her to be without oxygen for a while), but God was and is so good! She's alert, looking around, yawning, and very contented. It was fun to watch Jessica with her little girl. I know not being able to hold Lucy and be with her for a couple days now, has been hard. Lucy looked so contented in Jessica's arms. She would look up at her mommy, then start to drift off, only to wake up again. She had quite the grip on Jessica's finger, too! Jeremy is also thrilled with his little girl. What a special time for them. Praise God for His faithfulness and for this new life.


Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm an Aunt!

Lucy Elizabeth Cole is here! Woohoo! Mother and baby are doing well.

Jeremy seems pretty darned happy and proud.

I'll update soon!


Monday, May 21, 2007

Random-er Stuff

Hiya, everybody!
Not sure if Julie told you yet, but we went to a minor league game Friday afternoon - the Frederick Keys vs. the Salem Avalanche. The Keys get their name from Francis Scott Key road and Francis Scott Key stadium, which in turn derive their name from the relative of some city planner, I guess. Anyhoo, no one really made it past second until the 6th inning. It wound up tied at the bottom of the 9th, and then the Keys scored the winning run on a VERY questionable call, and both the coaches from Salem got up close in the ump's face - it reminded Julie and I of a couple of roosters squaring off :)
We got to see some lovely fireworks afterwards, but it was getting pretty chilly. Have you guys ever noticed that Julie gets cold sort of easily? Sheesh.
Julie (and the rest of our worship team, I suppose, and the church too) led us in "Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)". Chris Tomlin took some verses of Amazing Grace that ordinarily aren't sung in the hymn, but are still very beautiful, and put them to some slightly faster music. We both really liked it, and she's going to try to get ahold of the sheet music. Have you guys heard this?
Last night we watched a Bollywood movie - Bride and Prejudice (There is no life without wife!) - a really goofy movie with fantastically colorful sets and costumes, and the only Indian movie I have ever seen to incorporate a southern baptist choir into one of their musical numbers. I've never seen Pride and Prejudice (and I don't really want to, either, this may be my loss but it is one I am comfortable with) so Julie filled me in on who was who.
We both miss you guys, and Julie Really Really Really misses you, so I hope we get over to see you sometime soon.
And if Julie thinks it's pathetic to miss me, that's ok, it just makes me extra pathetic :)

Friday, May 11, 2007

random stuff

Here is a cool picture. Mr and Mrs Wilcox have taken time to talk with Peter and I on several occasions. They have been a mentor couple to us, and we thank God for them. We go to their home on Wendesday nights for a Bible study. Our group is fun and full of colorful personalities. Right now we're working our way through the book of Matthew. I love going to their home--it's charming! The people in it give it the charm. They love the Lord, and they always encourage us in our walk with Him as they help us wade through the waters of a relationship and life in general:-)

All in a Day's Work:
What does HSLDA stand for?
Last I checked it was the Home School Legal Defense Association, but my most recent call changes all of that. Today I was asked if we could help annul a man's marriage. wow, nuff said.

In other news:
Peter is off in Norfolk, Virginia explaining to families what HSLDA is and what HSLDA does. heh, I am rather pathetic, but I miss him
He'll be back in time to wish his mother a, "Happy Mother's Day."
And last, but not least:
Happy Mother's Day to my amazing mom, and to any other moms who read our blog. You are precious women, loved by God, and I'm so thankful for you!
Mommy, I love you bunches. Thanks for all of the phone conversations of late. I've enjoyed taking more time to just talk to you. Love you bunches!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Flying...a necessary evil?

I have decided something: flying is a pain.

I've had some experiences worth blogging about, and after this last weekend, I really can't wait any longer to share.

This last weekend I traveled to Springfield, Missouri for a work conference. I arrived at the Dulles airport early Thursday morning. I ran into two of my friends, (first time that's ever happened.) They were headed to Hawaii for a vacation. We were all headed to Chicago for our connections.
We all boarded the plane on time; however, I commented to my friends that I wondered if we'd be delayed because of O'Hare. I had a really tight connection at O'Hare, 45 min, to be exact, and I had to get to another terminal. My experiences with O'Hare have not been so good. Sure enough, the captain came on, just as soon as we were seated and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, due to some unforeseen weather we are going to have to wait to take off for another hour." heh, there went my connection!

When my plane landed at O'Hare, I booked it! I've never run through an airport before, but there I was, tote over my shoulder, conference suitcase rolling behind me. I felt kind of rude pushing past people, but when you have to make a flight or wait for hours, you run as fast as you can. Thankfully, my flight to Springfield had been delayed for 15 min. I made it with 5 minutes to spare.

Once in Springfield, I stood and waited for my luggage...and I waited for my luggage, and I waited and waited. I began to realize with a sinking feeling that mine didn't make it. The airport was small enough that the guy unloading luggage came in, saw me standing there and said, "That’s all the luggage I got, hun. Come to the ticketing counter and we'll see what we can do."
So, I got my rental car and headed over to see about my luggage. They took my hotel address and said that my luggage would probably be on the next flight that night.

I headed to the hotel, with the clothes on my back, (jeans and flip-flops and a t-shirt) and my conference suitcase.
I had to actually work the conference that night; so I headed over to the conference, set-up and tried to "look" professional.

Thursday night I went back to the hotel and asked if my bags had made it. Nope.

Thankfully, I was staying across the street from a 24-hour Wal-Mart. I headed over there at about 11pm, (midnight in my body) and tried to throw enough stuff together to get me though the next day. I managed to find some cargo khakis, haha, and a button down top. I grabbed some pj's, toothpaste/brush and all that jazz and some poster board to make a sign for my booth.

The poster I got was really not the correct size, so when I arrived at the conference on Friday morning, I borrowed some scissors, (mine were in my checked luggage), and cut and taped it to the correct size. Somehow, in the midst of trying to figure out the sign, lack of sleep and just general out-of -it ness, I accidentally spelled Defense, 'Defence'. Go figure. I had put it up, even taken a look at it, and somehow not noticed, yikes. Thankfully, a kind lady was like, "um, do you realize that you spelled defense wrong...". Oh, I was so embarrassed! Uh, yeah, I was homeschooled:-) I tore that sign down and went through all of Friday with an un-marked booth.

One of our attorneys came in on Friday and his presence did help my booth gain some attention:-)

Friday night: no bags.

I went again to Wal-Mart, bought some different poster board and colored markers and spent my evening making better, homemade signs.

It must have worked because business was good on Saturday.

One of my bags did make it late Saturday night, in time for me to leave Sunday morning! The other; still lost somewhere. Dulles did put a tag for Vegas on one of my bags by accident, so I think it probably ended up there:)

On the way home, haha there were so many things that happened, but I'll share just one more...

I was seated amongst a group of Jewish ninth graders from Canada--they were on their way to D.C. They were loud and they were everywhere. The flight was anything but relaxing. On our descent, the pilot was not handling the plane well. There was little wind and seemed to be no reason for the rocky ride down. He would drop really fast, shake the plane, etc. The kids were screaming, and I started to feel really sick...I mean really sick! I've never gotten sick on a flight before. Right as we pulled up to the gate, I felt so bad, that I took off for the bathroom. I stood in there trying to calm my tummy, breaking into a sweat and wanting my mommy! I heard everyone leave the plane, but I felt so bad that I didn't want to leave the room. I stepped out once and asked for some water. Then I went back in. I heard the attendants saying, "She’s still in there". They knocked and asked after me. After about 5 minutes I stepped out to let them know I needed a few more minutes, and one of the ladies said, "You need to get off of the plane. Take a bag and if you need to throw up, just use it." At this point I was almost in tears. I felt like I was going to throw up right then and there, and she was telling me I had to leave and take a bag to throw up in on my way out! I grabbed my bag, the bag and my purse and headed out; praying all the way I'd make it to a bathroom. I made it to the bathroom, and somehow my stomach calmed. sigh...

I have so many more stories, but this one will have to do for now.

My next one will probably be, "Stuck all day at O'Hare because of Random Snow Storm in April."
Or perhaps, "Flight canceled because your captain's seat is broken."

On another note, Peter and I are both doing well. He had a conference in CA last weekend, and probably has his own airport stories to share.
I am glad to be back, and I was thrilled to see him.



Monday, April 9, 2007

I am a thief, but I love these pics...

"Sisters, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters. Never had to have a chaperone, no sir, 'I'm here to keep my eye on her....' Carin', sharin' every little thing that we are wearin'..."

I've been thinking a lot about my family the last couple days. I think mostly because I spent Easter with Peter's family rather than with the Cole Crew. That was a new, different experience for me. This is an exciting time in my life, and it's also a changing time. I'm realizing more and more the blessing of family. My sis, Jeanette, is leaving the area soon, and that's hit me pretty hard, too. There's nothing like having a sister for a friend. I didn't realize how much I've loved having her near, even if I didn't get over to D.C. to see her as much as I wanted to. She will be missed, but I know she will be happy, and that is so very important to me. Life is full of changes, and once I adjust, I'm fine with them. *teary smile*
Getting to know Peter's family is new, but it's been pretty neat so far:-) They are a fun bunch with lots of hugs and laughter to go around. They are a blessing to me, and they often remind me of my family in Illy.
I pray you each had a blessed Easter.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

This is Peter, realizing the vastness of Illinois farmland:) I love these pictures!
This field is in my family's backyard.
The trip home was a blast! I will have more pictures soon. Peter met my fun family, saw THE Farmer City, took a walking tour (in the rain) of Bellflower and my old paper routes, played lots of games, chatted with my parents, met several relatives, and enjoyed the wind and quiet of downstate Illinois.
It is quiet back home in Illinois. I found the trip to be refreshing and fun. The kids are growing like weeds, and it was so fun for them to meet and enjoy hangin' with Peter.
Gotta run for now, but we'll be around!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Yep, I do now have some more pictures of Julie 'n Pete:-) We both seem to keep busy with our various Bible studies, work, and activities. We also spend a lot of time getting to know each other more. It's legislative season for Pete in legal, and it's conference season for me.

Here we are up to no good:) I think perhaps he was planning to tickle me, and I was planning the escape...

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Here you all go....we will get more up soon.
So guess what? We got more snow last weekend! I think around 7 inches. We've had winter in Virginia!!
Catch up with you soon.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Of snow, a sore loser, and a faithful God

Last week Virginia had the biggest snow/ice storm that I can remember. We've had snow here before, but not like this. The storm moved in last Tuesday, and kept us all home on Valentine's Day. There weren't that many inches of snow, but the ice on top of the snow created the yucky aspect of the storm.
Katie, my roomie, and I had parked our cars in our driveway. I started trying to dig them out on Wednesday night, but alas, I didn't get far. On Thursday a group of guys plus a few of us girls took our lunchbreak to go rescue the cars. It took 5 of us about an hour. We used an ax, metal shovels, and a pick-ax! The ice was solid enough that Patrick Henry students went ice skating in the soccer field...wearing ice skates.

I discovered something about myself yesterday. When it comes to chess, I am a sore loser. The dreaded rematch came, and I lost not one, but two games, badly. By the time I lost the second game, I was ticked. I wasn't mad at Peter, but I was so frustrated with myself. I'm still trying to figure out why, but here's the conclusion I've come to: Jeremy and I used to play chess all of the time, and he almost always won. I would get so frustrated losing over and over again. Sigh, this feels like the same situation. Different guy, same situation, same game. Thankfully, Peter and I are still the best of friends, I still think he's the coolest guy ever, and I even told him that I'll play him week!:-)

I've been thinking lately about the amazing God I serve; about the fact that He wants to know us personally, and that He desires a relationship with each of us. Peter and I had the most amazing opportunity to share our faith with a man last night. He's an old friend of my neighbor's and came to visit for the weekend. He is originally from England, but he now lives in the states. We talked about so many aspects of God and the Christian faith, and I find my mind still going over the many things that were shared.
We talked about how Christianity is a relationship with THE God of the universe; not a religion, but a daily walk with Him. In what other religion do you have the god of the particular religion wanting to have fellowship and relationship with mankind? It's truly an amazing thought! Peter and I were so blessed to be a part of the seed-planting in this man's life. There was much more, but I find myself short of time. I will stop for now.

God is amazing, and I feel blessed to know Him.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Pushing the van out of the ditch in the rain...?

I kinda remember that, but not really. Remind me...was that the time somebody backed out of the driveway into the ditch on the other side of the road? I can remember pushing vehicles out of various, interesting situations, but this particular time is not coming to me.

I remember when Jeremy and I would go out in the driveway and walk through the mud-puddles. We would say something like, "ouch, ouch, ouch!" when we walked on the gravel and then: "ahhhh" when we hit a puddle.

I'm liking memory lane. Heh, I don't think I've told Peter about talking in my sleep, and I'm honestly not sure if I do it anymore. I remember Jeanette telling me, a long time ago, that I asked her in the middle of the night: "Jeanette, how many should I take?" Wonder what I was dreaming about!
I can remember Janessa coming up late to her half-asleep sister. And said half asleep sister would try to talk in a coherent fashion and fail miserably. Janessa still teases me about that.

The time we giggled the night away, dear Janessa decided to dive into her bed. But something random happened, she tripped, and made the craziest entrance to bed on record. I wish I had that on tape...sigh.

My trip to Washington was fun. I'm very glad to be back, (just in time for our first Virginia "winter storm"). Washington was dreary, and so I didn't really see the mountains and such. Ah well.

Catcha later.


Friday, February 9, 2007

Getting to know Julie IS amazing, Karen. Books…I already shared a few a couple notes ago, but here are a few more: I like The Brothers Karamazov, Great Expectations, Roughing It, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and Cat’s Cradle. I never have heard of Eden Southworth till now, though, Jane.

I do like some war movies, Joanna, such as Saving Private Ryan or Blackhawk down. My family quotes Sergeant York a lot. We are really into the old classics too, and Julie is introducing me to a few musicals that we had overlooked.

Most of the cooking around here is done by my mom, Joanne, or my sister Elizabeth. I do cook, but usually for myself, and usually grilling or stir-frying something with onions and peppers. Pretty much anything works with onions and peppers. I like to bake cookies :)

Cally Jane:

1. Not really. The only time I ever tried it, the texture was really strange.

2. Peter Michael LaRock.

3. One of my favorite quotes is when Hobbes from Calvin and Hobbes says “We tigers like our food surprised and running.”

4. 1 Corinthians 3:11-15

5. Julie told me about the Hellmann’s vs. Miracle Whip thing, and I think I lean towards Hellmann’s; Miracle Whip is kinda sweet, which seems weird for mayonnaise for some reason.

6. Nope. Never even been to Missouri.

7. No, whenever I find myself in the neighborhood, he’s busy.

8. I like hiking and biking, reading, and playing silly games with my friends, like Capitalism or Monopoly, or Nerts. Julie got me started on Nerts.

9. Probably Amazing Grace, even if it is everyone else’s favorite hymn too.

10. Favorite song(s)… my favorite praise song would likely be All in All, and secular, maybe…Eva Cassidy’s version of Fields of Gold. I have tons of favorite songs.

What do the rest of you miss about Julie the most?

Thursday, February 8, 2007


Hi, fans of Julie!

So for my first addition to Julie 'n Pete, how about this: instead of just trying to guess if there is anything you guys would like to know about me, why don't you ask me some questions, and I will try to answer them. Also, how about you tell me something or things that you only find out about Julie by being her family. Not really embarrassing or personal things, but the nicer the better.
- Peter LaRock

Monday, February 5, 2007

Chess champ:-)

Peter and I have this weekly ritual. After Bible study on Sunday afternoons, we play chess. For weeks now, Peter has won every time we play. I'll come close, but I can never claim a win. I am rather competative, and it's become quite painful to lose week after week.
Well, yesterday, I had a grand victory. I won, and I won fair and square. I even finished out the game with not one, but two queens!

I know that I am now in a bit of trouble because it so happens that Peter it also competative.

Let the chess wars begin!

I did cheer for the Bears last night. I was very happy for the Colts, but sad that my home-state couldn't relish the victory. Plus, in all honesty, I think the Bears had the better uniforms. They had three cool colors, while the Colts only had 2. The Bears also ruled the first quarter:-) ah, well.

And the Bible study mentioned above is one that Peter and I attend on Sunday afternoons. It's hosted by my neighbors. We just completed a study on Angels, Demons, and Satan. I did learn a lot, most importantly, I learned that Demons are bad, haha. Inside joke. Ask my mom if you want the details. Now we are onto a study of Mankind.

Hope you all have a great day. I know I chess victory will bring me much joy this week!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Who is Peter??

Well, Peter is a special guy in my life:-) I'm hoping that we can use my blog to give my family and friends who live far away a chance to get to know him better. Most of you know about him, but you don't know him.

The scoop:
We met at HSLDA last summer, (he came to work as a legal assistant). We got to know each other over AOL IM believe it or not. We both were working late often last summer, so we started chatting as we worked.
At first we had very general conversations. Then we began to ask more and more questions about each other, our families, faith, and we shared and told silly stories. After a while Peter started inviting me to things like a hiking trip with a group of friends, his Bible study, tubing down the Potomac, etc. We really enjoyed each other and always seemed to have a great time together.
We have since realized that we like each other and are now working to build a friendship and seeking the Lord and the counsel of parents and friends about the future of our relationship. I want to include you, especially my siblings, in any way I can.

About Peter:
Peter's one of 7 kids, and yep, he was homeschooled. He attended Lord Fairfax (a local community college out here) for 2 years, and he graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in History, minor in English.
He leads a Bible study each week in Leesburg, not too far from Purcellville.
He's really tall:-) I'll try and get some pictures up soon.
He loves to read, he likes to bike and hike, he likes music, he enjoys contra dancing, (we've gone several times), he enjoys being with friends, he's discovered that he likes nertz, and so much more.
Feel free to ask away, and hopefully we'll get some fun stories up soon.

Peter will probably want to add some thoughts, to all that I listed above. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Happy 2007

Yes, it is 2007, and for the first time this year I saw snowflakes last night! It's been very warm in Virginia this winter, and I have to be honest, I was thrilled to see the flakes. Such a picture of God's unique design, and a picture of His beauty.

My Christmas and New Year's were fun and busy. I didn't make it home for Christmas Day, but Jeanette, Jeremy and Jessica, and myself did manage a trip home for the New Year. It was busy, but fun. We all played lots of games, and enjoyed being together.
My little brothers are getting so tall! They are little men now; no longer the babies I used to carry around.

Work's fine and busy. The conference season has started and that is keeping me on my toes.

That's it for now.