Family Photo

Family Photo

Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Day Du, Daddy"

Daddy made me some really neat toys!  First he made this sticky, strange stuff that he and mom call play dough.  I'm not quite sure what to think of it yet...

It's alright I guess.  I just don't quite know what to do with it, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. 

Next, he made me a peg board!  He went to Grandpa's cool shop and made me this!  I was a little afraid of the loud saw, but I had fun playing in Grandpa's shop and watching daddy make it.

Sooo cool!  Yes, I know that my diaper with sandals look is original, but I get so hot!  Mom and dad let me go around in my diaper a lot, and I find it quite nice.  Besides, this way I get lots of raspberries, and kisses!

Mom wanted to show off this last creation of daddy's.  He made it awhile back, (back before I started walking and getting into stuff.)

Pretty good!  Mom and Dad had a shelf in the corner, but once I was up and moving, they decided to move the books up to this shelf.  Mommy says that daddy takes good care of us, and I agree with her! 

I have to say that I have a pretty amazing daddy.  He loves me lots, (even when I'm a bad boy), and I can tell he loves my mommy.  When daddy gets home from work at night, I start giggling because I am so excited to see him.  He plays this game with me that I call, "Run Away!"  He growls at me and then chases me until he gets me and tickles me!  I love it, and I sure love him.

"Day Du DaDa", (Thank you DaDa) for playing with me and for my awesome new toys!
  "Wuv Wuv", (love love).  Big, "Bah!" (Kiss).

Your little munchkin, Sammy. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

New blog and fun recipe!

Yay, finally, I have updated our blog!  I have been wanting to do it for some time, and just hadn't made it enough of a priority I guess.  I'm amazed at how much easier this new one is to navigate. 

My little one is a bit of a picky eater.  My mother-in-law lent me a cookbook that hides fruit and veggie purees in food.  One of his all time favorites is below.  He especially hates green veggies.  I love how this one hides broccoli.  Forgive all of the pictures.  I have always been a visual learner, and I love using pictures in my posts if you haven't gathered that already.

Chicken Nuggets

1 Pound of chicken breast or tenderloin cut into chunks.  Salt it generously.

Mix one cup of broccoli puree, (I just bought frozen this time, cooked it, and put it in the blender.)
with 1 egg.

For the breading:

1 cup of breadcrumbs, (I used cornmeal this time.  While we're not on a gluten free diet, I try and mix up our grains when I can.  The cornmeal isn't AS good a bread crumbs, but Sam still ate it up.)
1/2 cup ground flaxseed, (perfect way to sneak in fiber, mwuhaha.)
2 TBSP Parmesean Cheese, (I just use the cheap kind, but the recipe calls for the real deal)
1/2 tsp Paprika
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Onion Powder

Dip the chicken in the broccoli mixture and then bread it.
Fry in olive oil over medium heat.
I usually cut one in half to make sure it's done through, and there you have it!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Samster the Hamster at 15 months

Here are some pictures of our goofy boy! He's learning to try to smile for the camera.