Family Photo

Family Photo

Thursday, November 14, 2013

It's November!

I can't believe that I haven't posted since August.  I guess it's just been that crazy.

The LaRock for Delegate campaign started picking up in September and October, and thanks to hard work and lots of prayers, my father in law won the election on November 5th!  The kids and I pretty much just tried to hang on those few months.  We spent as much time as possible at the park and outside.  My boys are very active, and they love to be able to run around.  We also spent time at our local mall.  They love the play area and just the big space to explore.

Peter stayed busy with the campaign, and I can tell you, we were all pretty excited at the win.  Peter's change in jobs had worried me just because I don't adapt to change well, but I can see God's hand in it.  It has stretched me, and it has been such a blessing to see Peter growing and developing new skills and interests.

Now we have some more unknown with the session in January and February down in Richmond, but I know that the Lord will see us through; whether we go down with Peter, or we face some time without daddy.

The kids are doing well.  Isaac finally popped a tooth!  My kids are late teethers.  Hopefully he'll get the other teeth soon - poor boy.  He is generally so happy, and the teeth do tend to make him sad and grumpy.

Here are some current pictures of my cutie pies!

All three boys in one picture!

Marcus playing with little Isaac.

My baby is growing up!

Enjoying the leaves of fall.