Family Photo

Family Photo

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Month 6-check

Today we complete month 6, woohoo!  I realize that I still have the 3 largest months left, but the days do seem to be flying by.  I'm starting to tire more easily, and my body has the normal aches and pains of pregnancy, but over all I feel great, and I'm very thankful for a healthy pregnancy so far.  Here is our little man finishing up month 6.  He's VERY active right now.  I feel lots of strong kicks, and can see his little heels.

We're working to transition Sammy over to a big boy bed, (starting with nap time), and the only way to accomplish this is to rock him to sleep.  So far he refuses to stay in the bed.  Most days he will rock to sleep in about 10 to 15 minutes, after we've looked at his truck book (thank you Aunt Jeanette!  That's his favorite!), and any other books he likes.  He most often goes on to sleep when I start singing.  These days when I'm rocking and singing to Sammy, his little brother starts kicking in earnest.  It's really kind of amazing to be holding one child on the outside, and one on the inside.  Those are truly precious times.  I hope to look back and remember them when the chaos of two crazy boys begins!

We've picked up potty training again, and amazingly, this week, Sam was really good about it.  He wore undies all day each day, and only made a few puddles.  I'm still not getting my hopes up very high as this is a process, but it's nice to see that he's starting to get the hang of it.  He's SO cute in his little undies!

In other news, it looks like we're getting new neighbors.  I recently ran into an old friend from my TeenPact days who came out here to school, met and married her husband there, and now lives in Winchester.  To make a long story very short, it looks like they will be moving into Joseph's townhouse in a few weeks!  I'm so excited to have them close.  They have two cutie pie little girls, and it'll be so nice to have a walking buddy, and just a good friend close by.  

We're so looking forward to warm weather!  Sammy is the most best behaved out doors and at the park, and I'm guessing we'll be spending a lot of time there this summer.  I took him to the park last week when we had a random warm day.  He literally ran for almost the full 2 hours we were there.  Folks at the park commented to me about his energy.  He just needs to go go go.

He's all boy that one!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011


is really just another day, and I've never really been that into it.  But, for this year I really felt like making a special dinner for my family.  I don't think I've made a "special" dinner at home for us since we got married.  By that I mean a holiday or special occasion meal.  I make dinner all of the time:-p

I intended to get more pictures of the food that I made, and I had visions of much more than this, but once the candles came out, Sam became VERY interested in dinner preparations, and I had a hard time just getting the food on the table.

For the main course I made chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy and peas.  Yes, this was a man's meal for sure.  I've never fried anything before, and I had fun trying my hand at it.  I overcooked these a little, but Pete still liked them.:-)

Here's a candid shot of some of the other food.  Like I said, I was just doing my best to get it all on the table while keeping little fingers out of the candles.  The crazy thing with Sam now is, that if I move things out of his reach, he just grabs a kitchen chair and goes to it, ah, good times!

For dessert I made a buttermilk, chocolate cake with white chocolate frosting.  I don't bake much beyond cookies these days, but I really wanted to try my hand at a cake.  So, here was the result.  I did make it a little boyish in honor of the men present.


It was fun to make something special for these two special men God has given to me.  I truly am blessed!