Family Photo

Family Photo

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Of Mice and Porches and Three Crazy Boys

Last week, as the boys and I were enjoying our lunch, I saw a mouse run from the kitchen to the dishwasher(which is currently sitting in the dining room.)  I was not at all surprised to see a mouse as this house is a work in progress, and it had been closed up for some time.  I set a trap and figured that would be the end of that.  Sure enough, the trap did its job, and the mouse was disposed of.  

The next night, Peter let me know that he was almost positive that he'd seen another mouse in the dining room.  This time we set 2 traps, and the next morning we had 2 catches, ew!  Right after Peter headed out the door the next day yet another mouse, (this one was a baby) poked his little head out and proceeded to check out the kid drops of food under the table.  I observed this little guy throughout the day, but, the noise of the kids kept him from reaching his own trap destination.  He just kind of acted like the place belonged to him.  That night, we decided to lift the cabinet where we thought the little boogers were coming from, and what a strange find.  The mice were all gone, (save the last little baby) but under the cabinet was dirt, of course, 15 to 20 play, fake mice, and 2 mouse traps.  We think maybe the family dog who lived here before had toy mice that it played with, and maybe mommy mouse collected them?  Whatever the case, it was a random find, but thankfully, the mice are all gone for now.

In other house news, Peter has been hard at work on the front porch.  He started out by working on the gutters.  The one in the back, once cleaned and put back up, has kept our basement from flooding each time we get a big rain, yay!  When he took off the gutter on the front porch, we realized just how rotted the porch was.  As you can see below, he has made great progress.  The front porch also used to have a green and white awning, but that we took down awhile back.  I think once painted, this place's porch will look pretty awesome.





Our kiddos are growing and changing so quickly.  Here is a brief update on each of them.

Sammy and I have been working through his Sing Spell Read and Write book, and he is nearly done with the first one.  Yesterday I sat down and thought through his first official school year, and ordered a few things.  I am really enjoying doing school with him, and I love that he is loving to learn.  He's started in a beginning math book, and I think that's his current favorite subject.  It is so fun to observe his little mind working as he grasps new concepts.  This summer he has spent alot of time outside, "chuffing and puffing" like Thomas the Train up and down our sidewalk.  He's also become a big helper on our shopping, library and park trips.  He loves to help me push Isaac's stroller.  As long as he and Marcus have a few feet between them, they get along very well.

Marcus is still our bundle of trouble, but he's a cutie pie who is also such a delight.  If Marcus is quiet it generally means he's into trouble.  The sink, the markers, the crayons, the tools, the putty, the finger nail polish.  You name, it, he'll get into it.  He has a hard time sitting still and focusing in on any activity, (unless it involves water or destruction.)  I look forward to the day when I can sit and read books with him, but for now, I just try and follow him around, cleaning up his messes, keeping him out of trouble, and getting his sloppy kisses, precious hugs, listening to his delightful laugh, and watching him learn and do.  Lately, when he takes a nap, he will have a hard time going to sleep at night.  Last night I was beginning to work out, and he popped his head around the corner and say, "You workin' out mommy?"  He then joined me and did a pretty good job :-)  As you can see from the picture below, he still thinks that he's the baby of the family.

Isaac is growing and changing so fast.  He's really chubbed up and he's such a happy baby!  Today he rolled over from his back to his tummy several times.  He is a hold me baby, who is happiest on my hip.  He wakes up each morning so happy.  He generally only gets up once to eat each night, and for that I thank him.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

In The Good Old Summertime....

There is a happy, chubby baby.

There is a handsome dude in his underpants playing in the best fun in the world...WATER!  There are sprinklers

There are fairs with crazy chickens, and all kinds of cool animals.

There is a handsome little man at the fair who can't get enough of those funny chickens.

There is a cute, chunky baby checking out the fair.

There is ICE CREAM!

Hooray for ice cream!

There are TRACTORS...

and lawnmowers!

And, as always, a smiling chubba bubba.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

"Why Good Morning Miss J!"

That was often the greeting I received from Rhonda Maki when she passed my office back when I worked at HSLDA.  She greeted each day in her cheery way, and proceeded to get to work.

When I moved to Virginia and started working at HSLDA, I remember being overwhelmed.  I started work during the busy summer months, and I can remember getting to the end of each long day of call after call and wondering just what I'd gotten myself into.  I will always remember Rhonda's willingness to listen, encourage, and go check with "dad", (the head of our department) to try and make things better/easier for each of us, if she could.  She was the supervisor in a department that was nearly all girls, and she really did a wonderful job handling all of us.  I think it's safe to say that she became a mom-like figure in many of our lives.

She was always so cheerful, and she had the best sense of humor.  I can remember seeing her with a huge pile of applications on her desk - big smile on her face, a small grimace, and then some quip like, "oh dear, oh dear, it's busy season."  We had some memorable callers, and I can remember recounting one caller to her, (who I think was actually in a mental institution), and when I got to the part about how this woman felt that she was queen of the world, the good laugh we shared.

As supervisor Rhonda would get the cranky callers, and as my office was right next door to hers, it was always entertaining to listen to her deal with them.  She was patient, but firm, and often, she'd finish the call, hang up the phone and and say, "Well!"

I remember that she her her husband started taking ballroom dancing lessons together, and it seemed that they were having such fun doing that.

Once when I was between housing, she and her husband invited me to stay at their place in their spare room for a month or two.  Rhonda was just like that - she tended to our needs like we were her own kiddos.

When I left HSLDA after I had Sammy, I continued working from home part time, and I always enjoyed catching up with Rhonda.  When I'd stop by the office, she'd always inquire about my growing family and wanted to see how we were doing.  She always talked about her dream to have red headed grand babies.

When I heard of her unexpected cancer diagnosis, I worried some, but Rhonda, being so full of life, I figured, had to pull through.

When Peter told me yesterday that they were thinking she wouldn't make it another day, the tears came.  I knew she'd been up and down, better then worse, then better, but I didn't expect her to die.  I really wanted to see God heal her this side of heaven.  But, His ways are not our ways, nor are His thoughts our thoughts.

I know that she's in a perfect place now, and I know that she's happy, whole and so full of joy.  She's probably dancing her heart out in her new body, exploring beauty that she was never able to see here.  I just know that I will miss her.  I know that she will be sorely missed by her husband, family and by the many whose lives she touched.  

We had a "hat day" once in our department.  Here is Rhonda, participating right along side all of us goofy girls.  This is how I remember her.  Happy, fun, and full of life.

I will miss you, Rhonda!  See you on the other side.