Family Photo

Family Photo

Monday, October 11, 2010

Can't think of one...

A title that is.  As I have been lamenting on Facebook, I feel I often lack clever little one liners, titles, etc.  I think some people are just gifted with the kind of clever that makes us all laugh or remark at their amazing creativity. That is not me, and I am okay with that.

Because I am not coming up with a title for this post that I am happy with, I'll just leave it like that.

LaRock baby #2 now is!  I'm about 7 weeks.  This little one is due around May 26th, 2011.  I was hoping to keep it a secret longer, but starting at around week 6, this baby is making me as sick as my little Samster did, which means I have to drop out of things, which means I have to share the news.  People start suspecting when you eat a slice of toast for breakfast, a potato for lunch, and maybe a bit of toasted cheese for dinner.  They also tend to wonder when you begin to cover your nose for odors to avoid the gag reflex.  Ah...gotta love the first trimester.  It's fun to share the news with people anyhow.  I'm just praying these next few months go by quickly so that I can remember what it feels like to enjoy eating again!  The things we take for granted; seriously :-)

Peter is very excited about our newest addition.  He's pretty amazing with our little guy.  It'll be fun to have two crazy kiddos running around wrestling with daddy.

Folks have asked me if I prefer boy or girl, and I really don't have a strong preference.  I do have lots of boy clothes, and we already have a boy name picked out, (crazy kids we are), but either one will thrill us.

Last week we went to the Outer Banks.  How's that for a transition?  We met up with my sisters Jeanette, Joanna, Janessa and her husband, Justin.  Joseph, my brother, also came down for a few days.  We had a good time.  I felt pretty well until the Friday we left; Praise the Lord!  I went boogie boarding with Peter which is always a treat.  I spent a lot of time resting on the beach.  We set up a tent for Sammy, and he took his nap in there each afternoon.  It was nice to have him right there, and to be able to rest, too.  It was fun to see my family, too.  Here are some pictures!