Family Photo

Family Photo

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Eliana's story

She's here!  Baby girl joined our family just 3 days past her due date.  I told Peter that I was going to feel silly about all of my worrying once she was born.  I was tempted to, but honestly, I think that weak moments are still valid moments, and I'm not going to feel shame that I felt them.  Now I have much more empathy for women who go past their due date.  It's much harder mentally than I realized.  I do like to record the story of the births of my kids.  There is something so amazing about each one, and so unique and special.  If it's not your thing, by all means, skip over this post.

I had been worrying a lot about this birth.  Mostly because I was late, (I have never been overdue before), and I was really having no signs of impending labor.  I had lots of pressure for weeks, (midwives confirmed a low head) but hardly a contraction to be had besides braxton hicks.  I was walking every evening and doing everything I knew to do to encourage labor, but I just didn't feel like anything was ever going to happen.  Ladies started telling me about how their boys came early but their girls were 8 to 12 days late and big!  So my brain began to imagine a super late, huge baby.  I was due the week the boys had VBS, but had mentally decided that it would likely be the end of June before I had this baby.  On Tuesday I took my two youngest on a walk and I voted in a state wide primary.  Then we walked to the playground.  Next, in the 90 degree heat, we walked to to Sheetz for slushies.  I maybe had one contraction on that 4 mile walk.  I was so tired after that I decided to take it easy on Wednesday.  We went to the mall that day and just had fun in a cooler, less taxing environment.  Wednesday night I went to my chiropractor's.  I noticed that the baby was in a good position, based on where I felt her hiccups, and prayed that she would stay there.  I noticed a few contractions that evening, but they weren't very intense.  I had a few contractions at my appointment, and then when I got back home noticed that they were somewhat regular, (25 to 45 minutes apart) but still not terribly painful.  They continued, and I decided to just go to bed and try and sleep.  If baby wanted to come, maybe she'd let me sleep first.  The contractions woke me up each time, but I was able to sleep between them.  I'd set my phone stopwatch and reset after each one.  All night they were 25 to 45 minutes apart.  When I woke up in the morning I figured I'd just get up and see if the contractions got closer together.  They did.  They were not consistent.  Some were 7 minutes apart, some 10, and sometimes they would be 4 minutes apart.  I was not really sure what was up.  They still didn't feel terribly intense, but I could tell that they might develop into the real deal.  I let my midwives know my status after the night, and they were right in town at the birth center ready to come over when I wanted them to.  Peter took the kids to VBS, and I texted him around 9 to ask him to come home soon.  I had a super intense contractions all of a sudden, and I was starting to feel a little like things might be moving faster than I had thought.  He and the two youngest came home, and helped me as I labored.  Conrad liked to help daddy rub my back.

Aunt Abby came and got the two youngest kiddos, and around 10 I let my midwives know that I thought things might be moving.  I thought it might be awhile yet, (some contractions were intense, others not as much, and they were still coming a different times.)  They arrived around 10:30 and checked me.  I was 8 centimeters, fully effaced, and they could feel the baby's head.  I was shocked!  They started preparing everything for baby.  They said to go do my thing, so I went for the tub.  Thankfully the warm water really helped with the back pain.  I labored there for the next hour plus and then felt the urge to push.  I had maybe 3 pushing contractions then her head was born, my water broke and in one more push, there she was in daddy's arms!  I remember as I was getting to that last, intense moment that every mom dreads, I was talking to God and I asked him to help me.  I really felt his presence in that moment, and it was an amazing feeling!  After she was born, I turned over, they handed her to me, and I said, "That was easy!"  It wasn't really that easy, but I think I had been imagining that it was going to be so much harder than it was.  It happened so fast and it was so smooth!  I think that because her water stayed intact, the contractions weren't as intense.  She didn't turn out to be huge either.  She weighed 7lb 5oz and was 19 inches long.

We  are all so thrilled with her.  She has been pretty chill.  She didn't cry at first or really at all for the first 12 hours after birth, and the midwives said she acted like she didn't even realize that she'd been born.  They said that maybe it was because she was in her water sac for most of the birth.  They gave her some oxygen just to help her along in the beginning.  She was breathing, but not strongly like a screaming infant does.  She just kind of looked around in surprise.  Thankfully she started breathing fine shortly after that and got nice and pink.

I am so grateful for my birth team, (amazing women), my husband and to the Lord for this blessing.  I know that He gives us what we need in each circumstance, and that doesn't always mean super smooth, relaxed, peaceful experiences.  Sometimes He meets us in harder circumstances and helps us through them.  I am always extra grateful for the "easier" experiences that He sends our way though.  Little Eliana Rose's birth is one of those for me.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Baby girl, baby girl...

I am 2 days away from 40 weeks with baby girl, and I'm going to be very honest; I'm having a hard time with these last weeks of pregnancy!  I'm a mix of upbeat resolve to wait patiently, and a mess because I'm convinced my body doesn't even know how to have this baby.  I've been trying to take my kids out each day during the week (due to warm weather, small house that is even smaller now that it's been set up, waiting for baby for nearly a month, and just to keep busy).  That has been wearing me out!  I went to 40 weeks with my first baby, but my next three came at 37.5, 37.1 and 39.2 weeks.  I have have little to no indications of impending labor with this one, just lots of pressure and discomfort.  I started to struggle with insomnia at the beginning of this week.  I wake up around 1 in the morning, and can't go back to sleep until 3 or 4.  I've been able to read and pray a lot, and a few mornings ago a cleaned out my refrigerator at 3 in the morning.  At least I felt like I was doing something.  I was amazed at how easy it was to finish this project when I didn't have constant interruption.  Later that morning, I tried to clean my microwave, (when everyone was up) and it took forever!

This morning I was able to get back to a fitful sleep around 1am, but woke up wide awake at 5am.  So, I read for awhile, then decided to try and cut my hair a bit.  I've done a bit of work on my hair before, but this morning it just didn't come out well at all.  I had planned to go get my hair cut later on in the day, so I wasn't worried about my failed attempts.  Here's the cut I got while out an about today:

Baby girl still seems content to hang out in my belly.  I've been having contractions off and on all day today, but they seem to be slowing now, so, I'm guessing more waiting is in order.

I'm praying that she does come soon, but I also know that I can't control this, and so my prayer is that I can find a place of trust and rest while I wait.  Meanwhile, I'm going to do my best to enjoy my 34th birthday today!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Birthday boy!

Nearly a month ago this little man turned 6.  He's my quiet, independent son, who, I fear, I tend to neglect at times.  Thankfully he doesn't complain about it much, and is always happy to curl up with a book and spend some time with mom or dad.  He will be entering 1st grade in the fall and does well at school.  He struggles to focus on it, (so often we complete his work as we move from room to room in the house, and he will often complete oral assignments while laying under the table or running around), but he's really doing well in school.  He a busy boy who loves to learn by doing.  He especially enjoys cooking with me.  Spaghetti is one of his favorite things to help make.  He also really enjoys riding his bike, finding bugs, exploring creeks and woods, playing in water and mud, and all the other things little boys enjoy at this stage of life!

We sure love this one that God has entrusted to us, and pray that he would grow into a man God will use in this crazy, mixed-up world.